November 25, 2016

Most Miserable

Out in the hall, Garret sighed and just leaned back against the wall, folding his arms. He didn't know what he wanted to do. He didn't like it here, but he was starting to get cabin fever as well. "Why is it that every time Reese asks me for help, it's like pulling teeth?" He kept his voice down, knowing that Nate would rather avoid any trouble. 

"He asks my input, I give it, he balks, nothing else will work, I get called back in and we do it my way anyway. I get it that he doesn't want to risk Scott. What I don't get is the unwillingness to even consider the upgrade. Scott could gain everything you've been working so hard to find. Why not give it a shot?" He really didn't understand, and searched Nate's face for answers. Why did everything around here have to feel so backwards? "Why not at least give Scott the choice at the very least? And besides that, I thought people around here were all about the truth. Hiding the truth from a man sounds more like the Agency to me." 

Hal smiled a little as Sam talked. She seemed very down to earth - not quite what he's expected out of an FBI agent. But then...maybe that's why she was here. Maybe Kirk deserved more credit for picking the right kinds of people to be here.

"Five brothers huh? I'm sorry." He threw her a teasing wink. "I don't have any siblings, so I can't relate... although I can imagine there were probably days you would have liked to scream." 

He turned a little and pointed to a slightly tattered photo pinned to the wall above his desk among other miscellaneous items. In the picture was a very attractive, dark, high school cheerleader, smiling for the camera. "That's my family, right there. Alison...she's sixteen now. Smarter than I'll get out with more ambition than I ever had." His voice grew a little quieter. "She's in Florida with her mother, but...I get to see her every once in a while." 

There was a pause before he cleared his throat and looked back at Sam. "I'm glad you're excited to be here. I...apologize if the rest of us around here seem a bit leery. This whole situation hasn't been easy, but we are glad that the Elite isn't going to be dismantled." He glanced at his watch. "It's about time for dear Aaron here to get his morning walk around the building. Doctor's orders. Wanna come?"

Jamison was just about to ask where the file room might be, but Dalton had that covered too, and he gave him a look of gratefulness. "Thanks. Nice to meet you too... but..." Something told him that around here, there were far fewer formalities when it came to names. "Call me Jamison." 

Giving the giant one last nod, he aimed for the far end where he'd been directed. He wasn't too worried about getting lost. It didn't look too complicated, and eventually he was bound to run into Kirk and Adison somewhere. 

Thankfully it was just as easy as Dalton had said, and meeting Susanne was pleasant enough. She seemed very nice, and Jamison did recall the file he'd read about her recent abduction. Yet she was still here, still working. Was everyone here that dedicated? 

Thumbing through an open filing drawer, Kirk nonchalantly leaned over to give Adison's cheek a kiss. A few more files...then another kiss, this time on the lips, followed by a mischievous grin. Even with the door open, they were out of sight from Susanne. His hands remained on the files, but he returned for a third kiss, letting it linger a little longer... after all, they hadn't been able to greet each other properly today yet...

Jamison cleared his throat. 

Kirk retreated quickly and looked over his shoulder, finding it a bit of relief that it was just Jamison. "Morning!"

"Uh-huh." Jamison rolled his eyes. "Should have known."

Kirk just grinned. "Glad you made it. What do you think?"

"So far? I've seen the inside of one cubicle, and this room. What am I supposed to think?" 

Kirk sighed. He wasn't sure when he'd seen Jamison in such a sour mood. "Cheer up. You're on vacation."

"I wish." Jamison looked at both of them with little interest. "Okay. So. Grand tour? That's why I'm here, right? To get me all excited about a new adventure just to have Barnes turn down your request to transfer me?" 

"You are the most miserable..." Kirk gave Adison a sidelong glance. "I'm not sure I wanna deal with him. You want to give him the tour? Then come back here and we'll talk."