November 20, 2016


Hearing mention of there father Ryan looked up at Eli. There was always good memories that came with there father, that made them smile, but there was always the heartache of there loss too. Eli looked so much like there day sometimes from what she could remember. She couldn't help but wonder if there was bits of there mother too.

   "I wish he was still around. He always new just what to say to us. You take after him a lot."

Taking a fry Itd playing with it for a second Ryan's mind wondered to there brother. It had been a while since she had seen him. Maybe a visit was in order to see how he was.

   "Thanks for being there for me, I couldn't do it without you."

   "Well...I'd say I was sorry for being a distraction but....I'm not sorry so I won't bother."

Leaning in and taking in Kirk's kiss Adison juet let's it linger and deep in showing how much she really wasn't sorry. It was hard during the day now to just seek a kiss here and there, at least today. But it made this moment all the better.

Finally pulling away she smiled at him leaning her head aganst his. Why they had never done this befor was beyond her. There stubbornness and fear had ruled them but thankfully they were over that now.

   "You know I think I'm going to like having you as my boss. Your way better looking than Barns."

Giving a small laugh and placing a soft kiss on his lips one more time her eyes just twinkled with how happy she was. Good guy, good job what more could she ask for.

   "You really did great today. I think you were born for this job."

   "Because you keep trying to do it on your own. You need to let people help you now."

Looking up when the nurse came in Bree gave her a kind smile even if her eyes said how sad she was. She wasn't ready to leave yet. She didn't want to leave ever, even if she new she should. It was still hard though to think about leaving Gunner here alone.

   "I don't want to go, but I promise I will be back soon. If you ever are having a hard time you can call me too. Seemed this place is a little better, with nicer people. You are going to be ok."

Bree reached into her purse and pulled out of her wallet a picture of herself and Gunner. Handing it to him she smiled again.

   "If you ever need a little extra, just look at us and remember I am always with you."