November 25, 2016


Garret was silent as Nate spoke, and his eyes slowly drifted to the floor. He still didn’t like it. Any of it. But…Nate’s logic did make sense. “No…” He imagined it really being Victoria or Maggie. “I guess not.” 

He eventually looked back up at Nate, just studying his eyes. “What…what I’ve seen at your house…the way you are with each other…that’s how it is here, isn’t it?” He was finally starting to draw the connection. He’d known this place was different. He’d known they acted more like a family than a bunch of coworkers. But…without having realized what family was like, it had made no sense. And it still didn’t make complete sense but…if the Elite worked like Nate and Laura and Maggie – as strange as that was in itself – then…he could see where Reese was coming from. 

Pushing off the wall, he shook his head. “You don’t have to drive me home. I think I’ll walk.” 

Reese sat at his desk and flipped through several printed reports, scanning the information for the highlights. He’d expected no less out of Ron. As confident as he’d been, and after the way he’d helped to find Gunner, these glowing reports were no surprise. He did good work and was a very good detective. It wasn’t normally how Reese went about finding new agents, but right now…they could use the help. And as Kirk had pointed out, right now was a good time to figure out new hires since their transition was still in flux. 

Leaving the papers for now, he got back up from his chair with a sigh. And…on to the next task. He remembered days of being out actually making arrests. Why had he wanted this, again? 

He aimed for Dalton and Scott’s office…he needed to see to this matter before Scott heard things from someone else…

It wasn’t long before it was just Reese and Dalton alone in the meeting room with the door closed. “Wyatt and Pete found a small facility a ways outside town this morning…” Reese went on to explain everything about the location and all Garret had told them about the upgrade. Although he didn’t want to believe any of it, it all did seem to add up and what Garret had said did make sense, unfortunately. 

“…So, if all this is true, then Scott may be in danger,” he concluded. He leaned back in his chair and sighed. “I told the others I wasn’t sure if Scott needed to know all the details but…I know he has a right to know. If I were him, I’d want it straight. I just…don’t know how to tell him. And I also don’t want him left alone. If the Agency wants to try an upgrade on him, they could nab him at any point.”

Jamison was quiet for most of the tour with Adison, including while she chided him for his mood. He really didn’t mean to be so sour. Maybe he didn’t like this whole thing because he really was interested but didn’t want to get his hopes up. The thought of working here was exciting…but he rarely came out on top, so why would this be different? He kept those thoughts to himself though, and just followed along and took everything in. Every face, every office…it all connected in his mind to all he’d read about the Elite. He recognized names and knew their histories here without even asking. It was fascinating to see it all come to life, though he kept his enthusiasm buried for his own sake. 

Back in the filing room again, Kirk smiled as they returned. “Yeah, stick around,” he answered Adison. “We may need your brain. But first…” He closed the filing drawer and looked to Jamison. “What do you think?” 

“Seems to be a theme today.” Jamison smirked. “Look, I don’t know what you want me to say. I love this place. It fascinates me. It’s…it’s the Elite. The best agents are working here. Top of the line. Not on paper, but in skill and heart. I can see why the FBI wants to be involved because there are some rough edges as far as protocol goes, but other than that…I’m glad they’re staying afloat.” 

Kirk grinned and glanced at Adison before paying attention to Jamison again. “You wanna work here?” 

“That’s…not an option.”

“What if it was?”

“Are we talking fact or fiction?” Jamison threw up his hands. “Okay. In my dreams, yes. But first off, they’re in upheaval the way it is. Second, I’m not elite enough to be a part of the Elite. Third, even if I was, where would I be put? And last but not least, you know good and well Barnes isn’t going to approve my transfer. I’ve told both of you that.” 

Kirk sighed deeply. “Man. I had no idea you were this stubborn. You get that from your sisters?” He waved a hand. “Don’t answer that. Okay, so first off…” He looked back at Adison. “Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong at some point…” His eyes went back to Jamison. “Yes the Elite is in upheaval, that’s what makes it prime ground for growth. Second, whether I like to admit it or not, you’ve got the brain of a genius and it’s about time it was put to good use. Third, there might not be a specific spot right now but there very well could be. And lastly…maybe Barnes doesn’t have to approve a transfer.” 

Jamison folded his arms and just looked at them both. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well I think we’d all agree that Barnes isn’t going to go for it. So you’ve got one option. Resign.” 

Jamison’s eyes widened. “What?” 

“Hand in your resignation to Barnes. Then turn right around and come here. You’d be full-fledged Elite rather than an FBI agent in Elite clothing like us.” 

“Are you out of your mind? It’s bad enough I’ve been suspended. If I resign, that will follow me wherever I go! What if being here doesn’t work out? What if something happens? Then I’m out on the street and no law enforcement will touch a washed up agent like me. On paper I’ll be a troublemaker and a quitter.”

Kirk frowned. “It will work if you give it a chance. You’re telling me rather than take that risk, you’ll just stay downtown as a go-fer the rest of your life? Why did you join the FBI in the first place? To make coffee?” 

Jamison scoffed before spinning on his heel and stalking out the door. “Have fun over here,” he called over his shoulder. 

Kirk rolled his eyes. “Dang he’s hard-headed. I had no idea.” He looked to Adison once more. “I’m at my wits end. I guess if he doesn’t want it, we can’t force him… He sure looks like he wants it though. He tried to hide it, but did you see his eyes? He was like a little kid in a candy store. I just don’t know how to convince him to take this step. I know it would work out for him here…I just feel it.”

Hal got up from his chair and grinned at Sam. “Oh, you’re not getting off that easy. Come on.” Leading the way down the rest of the hall, then downstairs, he stopped in front of Aaron’s cell door. “I’m sure you’ve been briefed…but in a nutshell, Reese has started this program to keep guys like Aaron out of prison. He feels that most Agency operatives have been misled – they’re not typically the run of the mill drug dealers or thieves. They’re soldiers who have been severely duped into thinking they’re working for some greater cause. Reese doesn’t believe they deserve prison, but should have a chance at finding out what real life has to offer. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a lot of work to reprogram someone who’s been in the Agency for years.” 

He took his handgun from his hip holster and checked it. Satisfied, he then held out a set of handcuffs to Sam. “Precaution. He can’t get far with his bum knee, but he’s got angry fists when he’s in a bad mood.” He nodded her to the door. “He knows the routine. And I’m right behind you.” 

Inside, Aaron lay on his back, counting ceiling tiles. Why, he didn’t know. He’d already memorized how many there were and had toyed with the math countless times. The five magazines on the table…he’d read them all the way through at least five times each. 

He glanced at the wall clock. Any second now, Hal would open the door and give him some stupid comment about going for a walk, as if he were a dog. He’d take a nice long route around the lower level, then they’d take the stairs and walk the hall, make a round upstairs, then back down. It was all under Rick’s orders for his knee, which, at the moment was throbbing like no tomorrow after wrenching it a while ago in an attempt to complete his fight routine.