November 16, 2016


Garret was glad that Maggie didn't seem so upset anymore. She seemed to understand at least the surface issue, and that's all he could ask for. He didn't have a clue what he was doing, so any headway was a success, no matter how small. He was tempted just to leave things at that, but instead, he remained seated on the floor. Taking the flyer, he turned it over and set it in her lap so it showed what she'd written on the back. 

"See that?" He pointed to where she'd written about being normal for once, and shook his head. "You need to stop doing that." Maybe he needed to tell himself the same thing, but for now he'd leave his focus on Maggie. "Being normal just makes you like everybody else. And if you were like everybody else, you wouldn't be Maggie. You wouldn't live here with your brother and Laura...and Brian. And they'd all miss out on having you here with them. Being different is what makes"

He withdrew his hand, but left the paper on her lap. "I know some of the kids like to tease you. Truth is...if you were like them, they'd find something else to pick on you about. They're bullies and that has to do with them, not you." His voice remained quiet...soft, almost. "You see the world differently than most people, and that's okay. If you didn't...I probably wouldn't even be here right now. So...I don't want you to change. And I know Nate and Laura feel the same way." He paused as a faint smile upturned just the very corner of his mouth. "Besides...I'm anything but normal myself, and I scare most people, so...we kinda have that in common." 

Kirk just smiled and finished his route to his desk. Finding he had coffee waiting, his smile widened. He sat down and took a long sip, sighing with content before turning and throwing Adison a glance and mouthing a silent, "thank you." It never failed - either he picked up coffee or she did...and somehow, he couldn't remember them ever having both gotten it on the same day, which was pretty amazing. But then...they made a pretty amazing team...

Mid-morning. Kirk pulled into the Elite parking lot with Adison and Sam as his passengers. After parking, he got out his phone to text Ron.
At Elite HQ. 
See you inside. 

They could wait, but he knew Ron would be along shortly. "Alrighty... welcome to the Elite. I told Reese we'd be here, so it shouldn't be a surprise." Getting out, he waited for both women before starting forward. It was a new day. A new start. From here on out, things would be different. And maybe even messy for a little while. But Kirk looked forward to what the outcome would be. 

Getting inside, Kirk still marveled at how this old building had been partially converted to fit their needs. It still didn't feel like a law enforcement building, yet they functioned well. 

On the far wall, a map had been hung up and there were dots and exes, with most of the agents gathered around, discussing Gunner - the only lead was from Dalton and Scott who had found Gunner's car on a traffic cam, and he'd been heading north out of town the morning before. It wasn't a good lead, but it was a slight start. After that though...they had nothing.

Reese spotted the newcomers and came over with a pleasant yet leery expression. "Hi, Kirk."

"Reese." Kirk shook his hand. "I'd like you to meet agents Becc and Travis. Or, better known as Adison and Sam."

"Welcome." Reese studied the two women, wondering what roles they would really play here. It was unsettling, but he knew he didn't have a choice, and he knew he needed to give this whole thing a chance. "We're a bit off kilter today, as we're looking for a ex-agent that's gone missing."

Kirk pursed his lips. "Any luck."

"Not much." Reese sighed. "I can give you the grand tour or...?"

Kirk shook his head. "I got it. We're waiting on Ron Sander as well."

"The detective who found Garret?"

"That's the one. I might...have you two talk a little later if you have time."

"Sure." Reese didn't know what that meant, but he'd go with the flow. "I'll leave you at it, then."

Kirk waited until he was gone before looking back at Adison and Sam. " the main floor. All these cubicles used to be full but they've been running on a skeleton crew for a while now."

Overwhelming emotions. Guilt. Sadness. Frustration. Ultimate despair.

The bridge was tall. The ravine deep. There was no other way. It had to end. All of it. The sleepless nights. The nightmares. The torture. This would be quick. Easy. And finally, finally relief would come. One step was all it would take. And Gunner's foot slid off the edge.

"Stop!" A pair of hands grabbed his arm and yanked him back from the edge.

"Let me go!" Gunner struggled, but the other man was stronger. "Leave me alone!"

"You don't want to do this." The stranger manhandled him over to his car. "Just calm down."

"No!" Tears poured out of Gunner's eyes as he sank to the ground. "You don't understand!"

"It's going to be okay. Deep breaths." The man pulled out his cell phone...