November 15, 2016


Just watching Laura and Garret interact Nate was going to add a few things in but feel silent seeing his wife had it uncontroll. He'd learned long ago to not try and stop her when she went on a tangent. It was just better to let her get it out. Not to mention he couldn't have said what she said any better.

   "You were perfect. Sometimes things just need to be said."

As Garret left Nate shook his head and let out a long sign. It was hard and Nate wondered if a little tough love like Laura had shown Garret was necessary. Giving a small nod Nate got up and could go check on Maggie. 

Knocking on Maggie's door Nate walked in and sat down on the bed next to the desk. Scooting back to lean against the wall Nate motioned for Maggie to come up next to him.

   "You ok? Garret said you didn't want to go to the dance anymore. That true?"

Wiping the tears that were on her cheek Maggie came over to Nate and crawled on the bed laying her head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around her. Just quiet for a long moment Maggie thought about what she wanted to say. Finally though her voice a little shaky she spoke.

   "I told him I didnt want to go anymore so I he wouldn't have to feel bad, and be grumpy."

   "What do you mean?"

   "I heard you guys talking last night, and Garret was upset today. I didn't want him to be mad so I just told him I didn't want to go anymore so he didn't have to decied."

   "Oh Maggie..."

Nate placed a kiss on her head before giving her such a small squeeze. She was always worried about everyone else. Her heart was pure gold, and Nate loved it, and hated it all at once. 

   "He wasn't upset with you sweety, he just...has a lot he is dealing with right now. You haven't done anything wrong...ok?"

  "It doesn't feel like it though."

   "I is often like that. It will be ok though."

Looking at Kirk and Ron Adison gives a little yawn. It was getting late, and tomorrow would be another long day. She didn't want this night to end but sooner or later it would have too.

   "I dont want to be the part pooper, but I'm going to have to be. I'm exhausted. I did have an amazing night though."

   "Your getting old Adison. Can't stay up that late huh?"

Ron smiled and ducked a little trying to avoid a possible swing.

   "Hey watch it...I'll sick Kirk on you."