November 20, 2016

Learned Some Respect

Seeing someone new arrive, Hunter glanced that direction. More onlookers. He almost ignored them, but then realized it was Ryan getting out with her brother. It had been months since he'd seen her - he'd heard after her accident she kinda went off the deep end. It was good to see her back, even if she wasn't racing. He returned her wave. He wasn't so sure he should be racing himself tonight. His winning streak had taken quite a turn as of late. His head just hadn't been in the game ever since Katie. 

"Hey! Look who's here!" Leo broke away from the crowd and smiled at Ryan. "Miles dumped me for the evening - I thought I'd be all alone."

"Oh yeah..." Eli looked around before rolling his eyes. "You look alone."

Leo smirked. "You know what I mean." He nodded to a spot out near the crowd's edge. "I'm parked over there in a good spot for the race if you wanna join me. Should be a good one. Everybody thinks Hunter's days are over for good. I think he's just been toying with the new guy."

"Oh, um...water for me." Kirk turned off the stove and grabbed a couple hot pads before making his way to the living room. 

It didn't take long to get settled on the couch and have an old movie playing. They rarely watched anything new...both could quote half the movies all the way through, but neither of them cared. It was their kind of normal. 

"Oh...forgot to tell you..." Kirk chewed his mouthful of rice and swallowed before finishing. "Barnes has officially approved - as in paperwork and filed - you and Sam coming to the Elite." That was the good news. He took a bite of chicken, wishing it were only good news he had. 

"And he also turned down my request for Jamison. Said he's suspended and that includes duties involving the Elite. I asked him how long the suspension would be, and he wouldn't tell me. Just said he had plans for Jamison once he 'learned some respect,' whatever that means."

"Garret?" Laura tapped in the closed door before cautiously cracking it open. "Are you awake?"

Garret was sitting up in bed as usual, and sighed a little. "Yeah." He'd smelled supper. He'd heard Nate arrive home from work. He knew it was suppertime.

Laura opened the door a little wider. "Would you like to join us for supper?"

Garret shook his head. "I've...kinda been sick to my stomach all afternoon."

Laura frowned. Had her tongue-lashing had anything to do with that? At least she knew he'd worked things out with Maggie. "I'm sorry. I've got some soda crackers and ginger ale. Might help to eat just a little." 

"That's okay. I'll survive."

Laura let him be and came back to the dining room where Maggie and Nate were waiting. "He's not feeling well," she mentioned quietly. "Maybe we can get him to eat something a little later. In the meantime..." She was cut off by Brian loudly banging his plate on his high chair, and her eyes widened. "Why yes. In the meantime... let's eat."

Carson rubbed his tired eyes and glanced at his watch. It was getting late and he was tired. Most everybody else at the Elite had left for the night. His body was getting worn out from so many nights with only a few hours of sleep. But he still hadn't found what he wanted. It had been months now, and he still didn't know who had harmed Misty or who was in charge of his case. He couldn't give up though. It was too important.

Leaning forward on the desk again, he scrolled through more files. Reese had let him take over one of the empty cubicles and this is where he'd come every night that he didn't have to stay too late at the restaurant. He wasn't fond of doing this at night, but it was the only time he could and...though he was slowly regaining some friendships, there was still a bit of tension when it came to him and everything that had happened.

Opening another file, something new caught his eye. Surely he'd looked through this before but maybe he'd overlooked this one piece of information. It took a little bit, but he finally found what felt like another dead end, but he had a strange address. He had no idea what it meant, but it had come from some of the intel Alec had been able to transfer before getting shot. It was too late to do anything with it now, but he'd at least leave it for Reese to look at tomorrow.