November 18, 2016

Think it Over

Thinking about Axel's question for a moment she let out a long sigh. It was a hard thing to tell her friend he would never have full usage of his hand again, that many of the things he once loved to do would now be impossible. It was a hard thing to do but Misty new it was part of her job, she had to give the good with the bad.

   "I think surgery would at least give you a chance to do some of the things you love, rather than give up on everything. It will be hit or miss, but its definitely worth a shot if it means there is a little hope to keep you doing the things you like."

Things were going to be rough for Axel and she new it, but she hoped that he would take it with stride and make things go up from here. He deserved it more than anyone after everything he'd been though.

   "Just think it over, and go from there. I'll always do my best for you, no matter what you choose and try to help."

Ron gave a nod to Reese. His slight hesitation didn't surprise him and honestly if there had been non at all he might of worried just a little. No one but the few new FBI agents that were here really new who he was and how he worked.

   "I don't have many case files with me here, but I do have some of the other stuff I had been working on while I was here in my car that I would be more than willing to bring in and let you look over."

Just giving a grin Ron looked to Kirk before looking to Reese again. The tension was strong in the room but it didn't bother him to much. Everything that was going on, he understood was hard.

   "Thank you for the consideration. You really have done a great job here Reese."

Hearing the phone ring Bree almost didn't answer is. She was studying maps again and looking for more places Gunner could be. Finally she answered though just in case it was something new. Hearing her Uncle on the other end she was happy she had answered after all.

   "Really? Yes! Can you come and pick me up now so we can go? I really dont want to wast any more time than I already have."

Bree was already up and slipping her shoes on while she talked. This was good news, and she hoped they would find Gunner there. It was one place she hadn't thought of looking. 

   "I'm already, ready."