November 14, 2016

Bad night

Kirk bit his lip to keep from laughing at Adison, knowing good and well she was doing this on purpose, and he gave her back a light swat that no one else could see.

Brittney blinked and looked between the three of them. "Well I...I... pool? Oh, I couldn't. I mean, it's been a very long time since I played and I was just a kid so it really doesn't count anyway." She toyed with her bracelets as her face grew even warmer. "I don't want to impose. I've already disrupted your evening. No, no, thank you, but I... I mean I..." Her eyes caught Ron's for a moment before she looked away quickly. "Thank you. I should just... I'm gonna go clean myself up since my date made a total mess of things. But yes, thank you. Please don't let me hold you up any longer."

She forced a smile and grabbed her small purse off the nearby barstool. "Enjoy your evening." It was very late. "Morning. Game. Enjoy your game." Rolling her eyes st herself she turned before she could stumble over any more words, and walked away.

Only after she was gone did Kirk dare to laugh. "Whooo boy... I'd say you dodged a bullet there, Ron." He smirked at Adison. "No thanks to you."

He turned to head back to their game. "Come on. I gotta win at least one tonight."

Towards the other end of the club, Brittney pushed open the bathroom door just as the tears started to roll down her face. Her mascara started to run and by the time she made it to a sink, her eye was burning so badly that it just made her cry all the more.

"Oh pull yourself together," she muttered, wetting a paper towel to try and fix the unfixable. She stared at herself in the mirror and grimaced. Her hair was a mess, her dress was still wet from beer, and her makeup was now a total disaster. "What were you thinking?" she asked herself.  She already knew the answer though. Two years, ten months and three days since her last date. That's what she'd been thinking.

Trying any more to repair her makeup was futile, and she finally gave up. She was going home anyway so who cared? Growling, and ignoring the stares from a couple other women, she stalked back out of the bathroom. Halfway to the door, she took a wrong step in her high heels, and twisted her ankle, tripping and almost falling, had she not run into someone else. "Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. It's these..." Her voice trailed off as the guy just walked away, ignoring her. She sighed. "...these stupid shoes." Taking them off right then and there, she stuck out her chin and walked out the door.

Walking across the parking lot without shoes proved to be a painful experience, and by the time she got to her car, she was so worked up, she could hardly think. "Jessie, I'm going to kill you for talking me into this," she mumbled under her breath. Buckling in, she turned the key in the ignition. The engine sputtered a few times, then quit. She tried again with the same results.

"Nooo!" She banged her hands on the steering wheel, accidentally honking the horn. "Ugh!" As if it couldn't have gotten any worse. After a few more tries, she gave up. She had no one to call, and didn't want to go back inside for a phone book to find a towing company. She was too embarrassed the way it was, and now she was stuck here.

Bending over, she rested her head on the steering wheel in total defeat. "I am the biggest loser of all time," she muttered. Once people she knew heard about this, she'd never live it down. Ever.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Laura frowned a little. "I wish there was more we could do for him. I look in his eyes and he's suffering all alone but refuses to let anyone else in. I know it's just a defense mechanism but it makes me so angry to know the Agency did that to him." It really did make her sad. Garret had so much potential. Would he really survive this world? Would he really become the man he was always supposed to be? She could only hope so. 

Sighing, she stood. "I'll go put Brian down again. I'll be right back." 

As promised, she returned a few minutes later to slide back under the covers and nestle in next to Nate once again. Unfortunately, now she was wide awake.