November 29, 2016

La vee

   " don't get to make your own mac and cheese here, so you eat this or nothing."

Sam takes a few steps forward and picks up the TV dinner. She had eaten enough of these in her time when going to school and trying to work. They were pretty nasty but it was definitely betting than going hungry. 

   "I guess you should think twice before you try to rescue anyone next time. I mean if you hadn't than you'd be scott free right? More than likely though you'd still have a bum knee, and possible be dead now since your boss doesn't like people failing...right?"

Just standing there for a second a smile toyed at the corner of her mouth. She new a lot more maybe than anyone realized, even if it wasn't very deep. She still got the idea and the short story on things.

   "Ah well...I guess that would be better than this. Say la vee. See you at dinner."

Turning Sam walks out of the room and shuts the door behind her locking it. Letting out a long breath she had been holding in she had almost forgotten Hal had been there waiting for her. Looking up at him she gave a half smile.

   "Gotta figure where to put this so I can warm it up for him later. Did I do ok?"

Just continuing the moment Jess let it linger for as long as Axel wanted. Being pulled down to lay on his chest she let out a content sigh listing to his words. She loved these moments very much and savored them. 

Hearing Axel's next words Jess couldn't help but shoot her head up and just look down at him. Was he asking her what she though he was asking her. She couldn't help the smile that slowly spread across her lips as small tears formed in her eyes. 

   "If you are asking me what I think you are asking me....yes! Yes Axel I will."

She loved Axel very much, she was everything to her, and she had always dreamed of his day but thought it just wasn't in her hand of cards. But now...not her heart was welling up at the feeling, at the joy she felt. How could she say anything but yes to the person who accepted her for the good and the bad. 

  "I love you Axel, with all I am."