November 19, 2016


Getting on the back of Eli's bike Ryan held on. This is one thing she would never tired of, one thing that always made her free. Going fast in a car was fun, but going fast on a bike felt like you were flying.

Ryan held on a little tighter as Eli kicked up the speed and they shifted this way and than taking turns, and passing cars. Watching everything as it zipped passed Ryan missed the speed, but she hadn't gone out to look for another care yet, she just didn't know if she trusted herself driving again. Some days she was still in such a fog it was amazing she could walk right.

Seeing they were at the lake Ryan's couldn't help but be happy it was a little change. Taking her helmet off and feeling the sun on her skin it felt nice. Glancing up and down the beach Ryan stops seeing a figure but shakes her head and turned back to Eli. She wanted a nice lunch with her brother.

   "I'm not to sure about the ice cream, but some grilled burgers sure does sound good."

Going back into Gunner room Bree was quiet as the two went back and forth. This was one thing she didn't think she would ever understand him on. How he could thinking running away was better for them. Did he really think she didn't care that much that she would just forget him?

 Seeing the tears in Gunner's eyes brought tears to her own. She just wanted her old Gunner back. Bree would always love him for who he was, but she wanted to see him happy once more. She would always be there for him, through good or bad. 

Stepping closer Bree took Gunners hand in her own once again and gave it a slight squeeze. He wouldnt go through it alone she wouldnt let him.

   "I'll be with you ever step of the way Gunner. You are my Vampire, I wont let you go through it alone. If your scared, I will be there, if you are having a bad day I have good arms. You wont have to face this alone...I promise."