November 22, 2016


Only now noticing Jamison had a spoon in his mouth Adison brought a hand to her mouth and gave a chuckle before glancing him over for a long second. If it wasn't for his steel blue eye she might not have known it was him. Outside the office they all looked different she new it but she had gotten use to it with Kirk. So seeing someone else was just different. 

Entering the apartment Adison looked around taking everything in. It was so neat and tidy surprised to her for a single guy. It was very welcoming though, she liked it really. Taking note to all the books she just smiled. He was a smart guy and now she new why. Often she'd wished she had read more it was just hard to find the time.

   "Barns wouldn't send me if you were in trouble. He knows better. I'm here because I wanted to know..."

Adison stops for a second motioning to one of the chairs if she could sit down. She wondered how Jamison would take this news and if he would even be interested.

   "Well...I know Kirk had you do some work for him about the Elite, but I guess I wondered what you thought of them and if you agreed with what they did. Do you think they should be around or do you think they should be shut down too?"

Looking to her brother again and back to Hunter where all the people were she let out a small sigh before turning back to walk twords the car. She wasn't to sure she was ready to be in close to so many people, at least not yet.

   "I guess we can..."

She was cut off hearing Hunter's voice. She hadn't been expecting it and jumped a little. Turning to look at him, Alec got her sight over his shoulder a little ways away. He was nodding at her, like he new what Hunter had said, and was encouraging her. She really was crazy. Looking back to Hunter she stammered.

   "I'm....I'm not so sure..."

Why had she become like this? Why had her mind become so weak and frail that the thought of this frightened her. She use to be so confidant and would of jumped at the opportunity. Glancing over Hunters shoulder again Alec was gone now. 

   "If...if you can bear with me...I'll go with you as long as I am feeling ok. That was a great win by the way. I'm happy I was here to see it. Thanks for giving me something to cheer for."

Ryan gives Hunter's arm a pat and a small smile. She was shaking on the inside terrified of what she'd just agreed too. But if Alec really was there he wouldn't want her to just sit back and do nothing...right?