November 23, 2016


Answering the phone from Laura Nate sat back in his chair. He always loved hearing from her no matter the time. Even if he had just gotten to work. Her voice made him smile. But this morning there was almost am strain and it put him on edge.

   "Yeah she was going to take the bus today...why is everything ok?"

Listing to everything Laura had said Nate thought for a long moment. He would guess it was one of the kids at school that normally picked on Maggie, and it didn't surprise him Garret stood up for her. He new Garret couldn't go around doing that but it still made him smile a little.

   "He didn't say anything to me about it but I can guess what happened. I can talk to him when I get home if you don't want to."

Getting to the Elite and stepping inside Adison couldn't help but feel strange. She was so use to going into the office and she hadn't been there all day so this was just....odd. Scanning the cubicles and seeing Kirk in one she smiled heading that way. Leaning her arm over the cubicle and taping him with her finger she held out a coffee.

   "I hope I'm not to late. Just got done with Jamison."

Coming inside and sitting down in one of the extra chairs Adison took a sip of her coffee savoring the taste for a long moment. Looking back at Kirk she eyes twinkled. So much she wanted to say to him, so badly she wanted a kiss but that would have to wait, but still there was a longing.

   "So Jamison is interested in coming to the Elite but he it convinced Barns wont let him because of what happened. He's also to smart for his own good."