November 18, 2016

Two or Three

Bree couldn't help her heart as it raced. She wished the nurse would talk faster, and needed to know, she wanted to know where Gunner was. Once walking away and looking at her Uncle with hope in her eyes She waited as he called yet another hospital. She didn't want to think Gunner would do something this horrible to himself but at the same time if he was in a hospital he was safe for now, she would know where he was, and she could be there for him weather he wanted it or not.

   "Is he there?"

Hearing it was a small smile spread on her face as she hoped he was ok now. Almost running out of the hospital she got into JT's car and waited. Fiddling with the zipper on her coat she was nervous now. Nervous on how they would find Gunner and if he was ok. But at least they new where he was now.

Seeing Axel come in Ryan looks up from what she was doing and gives a small smile and a nod. She'd been spending a little more time at work the last week or so just keeping her mind busy. It felt nice to be back to work and just have something to do.

   "Hey we don't mind a little extra work, at least I don't mind all that much. The later he nigh, he better off I am. I dont really sleep anyways."

In all honestly she felt bad for the others. She wasn't as fast as she normally was now a days with work. What once took her maybe an hour, now took two or three. Her mind just didn't work as fast as she use too. Even if she talked big game, she new the truth, and so did the other guys. With Axel being out they would have to pick up even more work.

   "Sounds good to me Sir. Once I get back I can get everything together and get it out in the mail to you."

Concluding the meeting Ron left feeling confidant. Even if the change for him wasn't happening right away it was nice to be considered. And a change would happen sooner or later all he had to do was wait.

Adison looked around the small group and than looked at Kirk. She didn't smile but studied him for a long moment before letting out a sigh and shaking her head.

   "I dont know about them but this is to much for me. I can't take it."

Holding it for a little while longer Adison finally smiled and let out a laugh. Like Kirk would really think she was going to let him have all the fun.

   "I'm in still. Seems like a nice enough group of people, the only real hard part is earning there trust."

Sam gave a nod and held up the file mostly filled with papers on Aaron. She'd looked over them and couldn't believe some of the things she read. It was amazing a crime organization like this was actully out there, and a little scary too. She wasn't going to turn away though. This was a good cause and she'd be proud to be apart of it.

   "I've always liked a good challenge. Can't start saying no to them now."

Ron gave a nod to Kirk, he new where he stood. The short walk outside hadn't changed that at all.