November 15, 2016

Phone Call

   "You are a trouble maker Adison."

Rolling his eyes at Kirk and Adison Ron walked back into the other part of the club where there game was still in play. Picking up his cue and taking his shot he and got his ball in, before taking another and missing. 

  "Sorry I just thought it would be nice if the poor girl had a little company."

Adison gave a cheese smile before giving Kirk a small kiss for good luck. She was enjoying her night and even if she teased Ron a little. It was like old times again, and it felt good after a rough day at work.

Waiting for Kirk to take his shot Ron's eyes drifted to where Brittany was coming from the bathroom. Seeing her trip he can't help but cringe a little. She sure was a mess and he couldn't help but wonder if it was just not her night or if it was her. He couldn't help but feel bad a little. 

Letting the game continue and keeping up the light talking Ron couldn't help but laugh with the others. In the middle of Adison telling a story he felt his phone go off. Not notice the number he excused himself while he took it. 

Getting outside where is was quiet Ron went to answer the call when it stopped ringing. That was odd, maybe it was just the wrong number. Turning to go back inside the sound of a car turning over caught his attachen followed by the beeping of a horn. Looking in that direction and seeing Brittany he let out a small sigh. She was already having a bad day...could it get worse?

Slowly walking over to her car Ron gave a smile before taping on the window. He didn't want to startle her but he couldn't just leave her sit there either. Giving a wave when she looked at him he spoke loud enough through the window.

   "Hey, did you need some help? My car is over there, I can try and give you a jump. If that dosn't work my friends and I should be leaving soon if you need a ride home. I'd hate to leave you here if Steve was to come back."