November 11, 2016


Maggie's question threw Garret for one of the biggest loops yet. His eyes widened, and his mouth opened, but just as quickly - and thankfully - he had a reason to chuckle. He wondered if Nate thought he could dance or not, but obviously Maggie didn't think so. 

He pulled to a stop at a red light and kept his eyes on traffic, giving him a few extra moments to regroup his thoughts. How on earth could he even consider going to that dance with her? What if someone found out who he really was? What if something happened? Anything? And why in the world would he even be allowed to take her? It was mind-boggling enough that right now he was in a car alone with her. 

The light turned green, and he sighed. "Mags, I... I don't know. We'll have to talk to Nate about it, okay?" He glanced over at her, knowing by now that his kind of answer would probably produce her pouting lower lip. "That doesn't mean no, it just means I don't have an answer yet." It was the best he could do, and he hoped she wouldn't be too disappointed. After all, he'd never expected this. 

Back to the house, he made sure Maggie got inside before taking a glance around outside as was his habit, then entering to close and lock the door. He didn't trust after what happened with Ron that nothing else would come up. 

"Hey, you two." Laura stuck her head out of the kitchen. She'd never admit she was relieved. She had chosen to trust Garret, but seeing now that he'd brought Maggie home safe was reassuring. "Supper's gonna be a little early," she informed. "Nate's got a meeting he's gotta get back to." 

Garret wandered into the kitchen and set the car keys on the table. "Any word about Jason?" 

"I got a text from Nate that they got the sniper, but something else happened. He didn't say what, though." 

Garret couldn't help but be a little glad at least. He didn't know if they'd actually used his ideas or not, but at least they'd made progress. He turned to leave, but Laura stopped him. 

"Thanks for picking up Maggie."

"Oh...sure. I...didn't mind."

She smiled at him before biting her lip. " wouldn't mind staying here with her and Brian while I go to pick up Nate, would you?"

Garret's eyes widened slightly.

"Maggie knows what to do with Brian," Laura assured. "I'm hoping I'll finally get my own car back from the shop by the end of this week so that'll make life easier."

"Um...okay." Garret shrugged. "I guess if you're okay with that."

She was, and once the casserole was in the oven a little later, she went to go pick up Nate, and brought him back for supper before he'd have to leave again. It helped, to at least have their family eat together, even if he'd have to work late afterward. It was rather worrisome, not knowing exactly why Reese had called the meeting, but hopefully it had to do with the FBI and answers about what was going to be happening. 

Garret, back in his bedroom again, heard when Nate and Laura got back home, their voices mingled with Maggie's, and Nate's attention to Brian. The clatter of plates and silverware. The scent of dinner. No one came to get him this time though. And even if part of him wanted to believe that meant he wasn't wanted...he knew that wasn't the truth. The truth was, they were probably tired of asking him, and...another truth was maybe, just maybe, he didn't want to spend the entire evening alone.

Sliding off the bed, he wandered to the dining room to find them having just started eating, and there was still an extra place all set and waiting. But it wasn't polite to interrupt a meal, and he just stood for a moment, wishing he'd just skipped tonight. 

Laura wouldn't let that happen though. She waved him over. "Better hurry. Nate's gonna eat all this food and there won't be any left." She threw Nate a teasing glance and a wink. It was one of his favorites, and even if he did eat the entire dish, it would just prove to make her feel good.

Garret managed a half smile, and finally came in to join them for supper, quietly letting their own conversations continue. He wanted to ask about Jason, but decided to wait, and he also needed to talk to Nate about Maggie, but maybe that should wait too? He had no idea. So he simply ate in police silence for now.

Con grinned and gave Jamie an extra kiss on the forehead. "I'd love to do lunch with you." Pursing his lips, he thought for a moment. "I think I know what your meeting is about," he confessed. Actually, he wondered if Reese would mind him sitting in on it. He wanted to know all that had been decided. He knew more than most, just because of Gunner being let go, but he'd like to see the big picture. It was going to be hard for more reasons than one. 

"Come on." He stood up, letting her slide of his lap. "Food. Then more work." 

"Jamison? Really?" Kirk believed Adison, he just...was surprised. He leaned back in his chair and tapped a pencil on his desk. "I...had never thought of him going to the Elite. I mean...I guess I don't even know what his skill set really is - other than letting himself get pushed around." He shook his head and rerouted his thoughts. "Sam seemed excited. I'm just waiting for Barnes' approval on that one. Don't see why he'd say no. So looks like the three of us are going to be a team within a team. Soon as I know everyone at the Elite has been informed of what's happening, I'll take you and Sam over there to get acquainted. Might be as soon as tomorrow." 

He glanced at his computer as a new email message came through, then looked back to Adison. His mind was still stuck on the previous topic. "Jamison? What did he-" A reminder on his phone buzzed, catching his attention. "Oh yeah. Ron wanted to get together for some pool. Wanna go hang out with him tonight before he leaves town? I gotta call him and see if he's up to it."