November 21, 2016


At the young couple's heartless comments, Eli's blood started to boil. It was no surprise that the rumors will still flying - he'd heard them before. But to spout them off in front of Ryan was inexcusable. "Oh, you belong here," he muttered. "It's them that don't." His body stiffened and he started to move forward when Leo's hand on his shoulder stopped him. 

"Let it go," Leo advised. "You really wanna make a scene?"

Eli looked at his eyes, then glanced to Ryan. Which was worse? Letting the comments slide, or defending her with his fists just to make the whole thing harder on her? He gritted his teeth angrily, but nodded. For once, Leo was right. "Alright. But I'll remember their faces." 

"They're idiots." 

Eli turned around quickly to see Hunter. Where had he come from?

Hunter gave him half a grin before leaning back against the car next to Ryan. "Good to see you back. The competition has been super lame lately." 

Leo smirked. "That's why you've lost?" 

"Eh." Hunter shrugged. "Some jerks just aren't worth my time." He gave Ryan a sidelong glance. "Wanna ride with me tonight? This guy's just been begging to get his butt whipped, and you know the rearview mirror has the best view of the finish line." 

Eli quirked an eyebrow in surprise. It was well-known that Hunter never took passengers in a race. Ever. 

"Whoa there, partner." Kirk shook his head. "Don't fight fire with fire unless you're sure you're gonna win. We're still FBI. Any of us makes too much trouble, we could still lose our jobs, then where would the Elite be?" He tried to eat a forkful of rice, but it all fell back off onto his plate and he smirked at it. Not even his food wanted to cooperate. 

"It really is a shame though. I can't believe I didn't see it in Jamison before. For someone who can knock Mark down a peg or two, he sure takes a lot of crap. I wonder why." He sighed. "I went to log on to the system today and it said my last login was this morning at four o'clock. That turkey somehow knew my access code so he used my login to get all that information about the Elite since his own access has been cut off. Pretty gutsy move for someone on suspension already, but he knew I wouldn't turn him in. He got more intel from just our own system though - I don't know where he got it. Then to actually compile it that quickly..." He shook his head again. "I wonder..." 

He nibbled at a piece of chicken before glancing at Adison again. "Think you could find out if he really would like to be a part of the Elite? I mean, at this point he might not even want to, and I don't want to fight for someone who doesn't even want to be there. But if he does..." He fell silent as the wheels in his mind continued to turn. "You're on better terms with him than I am. See if you can find out if he's interested. Maybe we could even take him down there to see the place. No harm in that, right?" 

Garret could hear the chatter at the dining room table, all the way back in his bedroom. He couldn't make out what was being said, but Maggie seemed excited to tell Nate something, then Brian would chime in with babbling or banging on his highchair, then they would laugh, and more talking would ensue. It was...a happy sound. Part of Garret longed to be a part of that sound...while part of him was content to sit back and listen. He felt as though his spirit had not yet recovered from the day before or the night he'd had. He couldn't shake the feelings that had been evoked and just needed...solitude. And yet...for one of the first times...he didn't feel like leaving to find that solitude. He felt like staying...where the people here treated him like a human being.