November 15, 2016

Serial killer

The tap to her window made Brittney almost jump out of her skin and her head shot up. "Oh for crying out..." The gorgeous guy from inside? Her face instantly went red.

Trying to wipe away any traces of tears with her palm, she opened her door and got out. She was still shoe-less, and in no better shape than when she'd exited the club. "Thanks, but I think it's the starter. At least that's what Dirk said. He's my creepy neighbor but he apparently knows cars, and apparently he was right."

A strand of hair flopped down over her face and she blew it out of the way. "I shoulda gotten it fixed weeks ago, but I got busy and I thought it would last longer than this and..." She glanced up at him and scrunched her nose. "And you really couldn't care less about that, I'm sure. I'm sorry. Thank you. I just..." She huffed a sigh. "I am too stubborn to go back into that stupid club to find some tow truck that will come get me at this hour. But I needed a good walk anyway."

She could feel the heat in her face and wished it would just go away. Actually, if the ground would just swallow her right there, she wouldn't mind a bit. "I-I-I can't ask you to help me any more. Besides, how can I trust you? You saw my choice of date. I'm not exactly on a winning streak here. You're probably Some serial killer and that's how you hurt your head...and I totally just said that out loud." She turned and banged her forehead on her car. "I can't shut up. Just go before I make any more a fool out of myself... I'll be fine."