November 15, 2016

Grab a Tissue

Adison was kind of disappointed when Brittney had to go. It had turned out to be a nice night, and with the extra person even better. Leaning into Kirk just a little Adison liked this. Being his best friend was nice, joking around having fun, but being able to actually show him how much she cared, being his best friend and more was even better.

Returning the handshake to Brittany Ron was sad the night was over. Once she had become a little more comfortable with them her humor and whit shined though. She even gave Ron a run for his money to keep up with her. It gave him a challenge he liked though and made his brain work over time.

   "I don't know about a night in shinning armor, but I'm definitely a detective who can't leave someone stranded. It just so happened this time...I made a new friend in the process."

Looking up a Kirk Adison gave a small shrug. She new what he was asking without him even saying it. Those two standing there did look kinda cute together and there was an awkward sense of something more than both were fighting pretty hard to ignore maybe without even knowing it.

Rolling her eyes Adison grabs a napkin and gets a pen from her pocket. Jotting her number down she smiles. Handing it to Brittany. If Ron ended up staying than she had a feeling that maybe they might be going out more, and Ron was going to need someone to bring along so he didnt always feel like the third wheel. 

   "Here is my number. If you ever want to hang out again give me a call. I'm usually always with him..."

Adison pointed to Kirk.

   "...and I have a feeling he's going to be around a lot more too. It really was great meeting you."

Coming down the steps and seeing Laura in the kitchen cooking Maggie slipped around the courner and to the back where she had seen Garret a little earlier.  She had heard Laura and Nate talking that Garret wasn't in a good mood and she couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. Maybe she really shouldn't have asked him to the dance.

Stepping outside the door creaked a little bit and she sad down next to Garret holding her dance paper once again. She didn't want Garret mad at her so maybe it was just for the best to forget it.

   "Garret?...You don't have to worry about going to the dance with me. I...don't really feel like going anymore."

Ripping the paper in half and throwing it in the trashcan next to them Maggie got up from the step without saying anything more. One half of the paper landed with the lettering about the dance face down and hand written words were on the other side. It was a list of how she wanted her dress if she went, and just a note to herself about how excited she was to have her best friend take her. She'd be normal for once like everyone else.

Getting inside Maggie didn't stop and just went right up to her room and closed the door. Sitting down at her desk she hear laughter from outside. Getting up a little and leaning on the desk she watches kids play frisbee and cant help but smile at how much fun they were having. At the same time though a tear ran down her face.