November 13, 2016


Everyone seemed pretty happy with Kirk's answers even if they didn't totally understand. At least the rest of them still had jobs, and though lot would be changing there would be a bunch of normal too. 

Misty wasn't sure about these other members that were going to be showing up but at least they were going to still have a job and she could still do what she loved. It was sad Gunner was gone, but she was happy the rest of her friends would still be here.

   "Well I guess only time will tell how this truly is going to be."

She wasn't so sure she forgave Kirk, or even trusted him for that matter but she was willing to at least try. For the sake of everyone else here.

No one else had any questions as they all sat there and waited. Misty was right only time would really tell. No one could see how things would really play out but they could only make the best of it.

Nate perked up and looked to Con. If Gunner was missing this was not good at all. He was there friend and they all cared a great deal about him. 

   "You can count me in Con. I'll help any way I can."

Katie looked to Jason slightly worried about this whole thing. She wondered what he thought. Change was always hard sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. She just hoped nothing else to drastic changed. 

Haven't found anything else out about Gunner.
Have you heard from Con yet? Mine if I come
over to rest so if you do I am there?

Bree threw the phone next to her on the car seat as she slowed down looking at a few people sitting on a bench. She had been driving for hours and no sign of Gunner still. He couldnt have gotten that far yet could he have? She was worried but she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open she had to rest, even if it was for an hour or so.