November 13, 2016

Five Minutes

There wasn't a whole lot more that could be said. More questions would come for sure, but for tonight, the meeting would come to a close. 

Kirk left, but not before seeing that not one other person was going home - everyone was staying to help with Gunner. Kirk would have stayed himself, but with all the bad feelings surrounding the subject, he felt it best to leave for now. Even if he wasn't the actual one to have decided to let Gunner go, he could sense the underlying blame, and knew it was best to let the team be for the night. Maybe he could find out more tomorrow and lend a hand, depending on what kind of plan they'd come up with.

Heading home, he flipped open his phone, only now finding Adison's message and smiling. She was the best. He might have suggested she go meet Ron before he could get there truth, he was just being polite. This was really what he wanted. 

Getting back to his apartment, he hurried inside, trying not to make this whole thing too awful late. "Honey, I'm home!" he called teasingly. Walking into the living room, he found Adison and immediately wrapped his arms around her and gave her a good long kiss. "Mmmm....I have been waiting positively all day for that one."

Pulling back a little, he grinned. "By the way... I didn't mean to get on your bad side earlier. I didn't realize Jamison's plight meant that much to you. I may give him a chance yet. We'll see by tomorrow."

Giving her another kiss, he let it linger longer and deeper before forcing himself to let her go and jogging for the hallway. "Shower!" he called over his shoulder. "Give me five minutes!"

He stripped his shoes and shirt in the bedroom and grabbed clean clothes before going into the bathroom. He popped his head back out again though. "Oh, text Ron and tell him we'll be there soon." 

As promised, it was five minutes and he was in clean jeans and pulling on a clean shirt. Coming out of the bathroom, he hopped on one leg, trying to get his socks on, on his way back to the living room. "Okay... I'm ready....almost." He combed back his hair before tying it all back in a ponytail before it had dried, then slipped on his tennis shoes. "Pool, here we come. You wanna ride together?"

"So...that's what happened." Con had just finished telling everyone what had happened to Gunner a couple days ago and how they'd found him at rhe cemetery. He'd also shared about finding Gunner alone with the pills in his apartment, which was the most worrisome factor. "Now, this morning, Bree said he disappeared and left a note basically saying goodbye."

Pete paced the corner of the meeting room. "You saying he left her, or are you saying it was a suicide note?"

Con swallowed hard. "Let's hope it's the first option."

"So JT and Bree have been looking for him?" Reese asked.

"Yeah but they haven't found a trace." Con shrugged. "For all we know though, he could have left town completely. In which case, I don't know how we'll find him. I just... I'm worried about finding him before he does something stupid."

JT got up to go warm up some leftover soup he'd thrown together for supper.

Come on over. Con said he's
going to get help looking.
Come rest a while. I have
soup waiting.