November 11, 2016


Looking up at Garret as he came closer Maggie gave a long sniff before swiping her eyes.  She hated crying like this in front of people but it was so hard not too. Sometimes she hated coming to school because of how mean the kids were and how much she got picked on. It really bothered her more than anyone new.

   "I wanted to bring this and show you my school is having a dance likes the ones you said you use to go too.."

Maggie held up the ripped paper that showed half of a dance scene in a grand hall, with chandlers, and fancy dresses. She'd been so excited to show it to him and ask if he wanted to come.

   "..I've never been to a dance before. Those other kids were right one would want to go with me. I'm to different, and that's not the right place to me." 

Nate laughed at Kirk's comment. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all. At least he seemed ok at the moment and like someone Nate might be able to get along with.

   "Jason, has a mind of his own thanks for sure. He's a good kid though, he and Katie both."

Thinking again for a second Nate shifted in his chair. This whole second sniper thing made him feel uneasy. Knowing someone else was out and could shoot at any time. 

   "No normally the Agency does not, but I dont have any other explanation for it."

As Con spins her around a smile spreads across her face. It was nice when he was here a the office again. It always made her day better and make her smile. Hearing Reese had asked him to stay again and that he was actually considering  it? Jamie couldn't help but be a little excited.

   "Are you kidding me? I'd love working with you again. Today just proved how much I missed it. Not to mention, know you have my back out there...really calmed my nerves."

Standing and coming over to Con Jamie sat down in his lap and put her arms around his neck. 

   "I love you Con, no matter what you choice, as long as you are happy."

   "I can take you home. I have a few more places I want to look though. I just want to make sure I  check everywhere before I call it a night. I have too."

Bree looked down at the map she had in her hand and crossed out a few more things before circled a handful more. Her stomach growled but she ignored it. She couldn't dream of eating at the moment or she might be sick.  She had to keep looking.