November 11, 2016

Feel Bad

Maggie couldn't help that her bottom lip automatically came out. She new Garret hadn't said no, but he hadn't said yes either. At least they could talk to Nate about it and than go from there. Maggie really wanted to go.

   "Ok we will talk to Nate."

The afternoon went rather quickly and Maggie impatiently waited for Nate to get him, than it was dinner time and she sat quietly at the table. Seeing Garret come into the room and Laura invite him to dinner Maggie perked up and smiled. After the pretty good day they had she was excited that maybe he would come to dinner. 

   "Hey, all your cooking is my fav. You are just a good cook."

Nate laughed taking another bite of the casserole. Laura really was a good cook and he never had a complaint about what she made. He liked almost everything.

Falling silent again for a moment Nate took another fork of dinner before looking across the table at Garret as he chewed. He did owe Garret his thanks for helping them together even if it was from a distance. 

   "We got the sniper today thanks to your tip. However...he's not with us anymore. Seems there was a second shooter and he took him out before we could even get back to the car. Have no idea who it was. Do you think the Agency could of sent a second one?"

He didn't want to hound Garret only general conversation and because he wanted to know about this second person more than anything.  If they needed to be on the look out he wanted to know, and if it wasn't agency...than who?

Hearing Ron had talked with Kirk Adison was a little surprised. She didn't know he was going to be texting him specially after everything that had gone down a few days ago. Jamison was good like that though and had a good head on his shoulder. She should of known he wouldn't hold anything against anyone.  

   "Pool sounds like a great idea to me. Hit him up and let him know we'd love to hang out tonight."

Giving a small smile Adison really wanted to just start kissing Kirk right here, right now again but she new better. Would things change when there job changed? Would they be able to show a little more affection through out the day?

Trying to get off that topic for now in her head Adison went back to thinking about Jamison. He really had done amazing today.

   "You should of see how Jamison kicked the butt of some thugs. He was...about on the same level as us. It was really great, and the way he followed leads, and directions...he was really good. Think you could convince Barns to let him come too? I kinda feel bad leaving him here to fend for himself when he has so much potential."