November 2, 2016


Kirk had not been prepared for the new subject, and his eyes widened at Ron. "Really? That's your topic of choice?" He couldn't help a little grin though, as he swiveled in the chair. He wasn't sure how Ron even knew anything about earlier...Adison must have elaborated to break her dinner date with him.

"It went...well." His eyes narrowed a little, warning Ron not to ask for details. "Apparently she and I have been waiting around for each other like two idiots. So...intentional or not, I guess you showing up sort of forced things into the open." He sighed. "And... I think maybe I was just a teeny tiny jerk last night. So next time we get together... it's on me." 

Studying Ron for a moment, he suddenly realized that maybe he'd changed over the years. He seemed more settled. The cocky edge wasn't there anymore. He was sure of himself but not arrogant. Him being a detective now also spoke well of him in itself. "I don't think you ever said where it is you call home nowadays."

Garret didn't like it...any of it. It was too risky. But...if Ron didn't make that call, that would mean immediate death. If he called and gave Garret up to the Agency, it would also mean immediate death. But if he was telling the truth and wouldn't do that, then Victoria was still safe. Garret had no choice but to agree with Nate's decision.

"If he tells them I'm alive...there's nothing you or anyone else can do to save Victoria," he replied quietly. Sadly, almost. "She'd have to get out on her own and...that would be nothing short of a miracle."

Turning, he slowly left the infirmary. He had nowhere to go now though. He was glad he wasn't staying here at the moment, but while he was still at Nate's, he didn't belong here. Walking with his eyes down, he didn't notice when Scott exited his office.

Colliding with Garret, Scott stumbled backward a couple steps, and only then realized just who he'd run into. Agency data flashed through his mind so fast, he put a hand to his head, and backed up several more steps. Terror covered his face, and he couldn't even apologize for running into him.

Garret opened his mouth to say something, but Scott's behavior knocked him off balance. That fear...that terror... that's how people responded to him. That's what people felt when they saw him, even when he wasn't mad. He looked down at his hands...the hands that broke people's necks and made others bleed. Maybe it was best that his parents had never watched their child become this kind of machine.

Sidling past Scott without a word, he aimed for the main floor. Ignoring anyone else around him, he found an empty cubicle. Sinking down on the floor, he leaned back against the half-wall and closed his eyes. He wanted to be back in his dark bedroom waiting for Maggie to come bug him after school...even if he didn't always speak to her.