November 8, 2016


Adison liked Jamison's go get em attitude. He had as much drive if not more than Kirk and herself and it made her smile. How underestimated he was. Getting out and upstairs Adison didn't mind letting Jamison take the lead. He deserved it, it was his tip after all and it was only fare. 

As the security guards approach Adison dosn't even have time to react as Jamison is already taking care of them. Where on earth did he learn how to move like that. She was surprised, and impressed all in one sitting. She new there had to be more to Jamison than anyone saw but this was more than she thought. 

   "If you need me just yell."

Eyeing the secretary Adison moves around her to the open office. Seeing Mr. Klarksen heading for his book case Adison acted fast. At least he was running it would give her reason to bring him in without a warrant.  

   "Freeze Mr Klarksen."

Drawing closer Adison ducks as he took a swing at her. Grabbing his arm and bringing it behind his back she pulled on it tightly as she reaches for her hand cuffs. 

   "I just wanted to talk, but now I have good reason to bring you in and talk. Lets go."

Getting the cuffs on and pushing him twords the door Adison looked at Jamison and shook her head than nodded to the door. They had what they came for, now it was time to get him back to the precinct and start the questioning.
   "Jamison, I think we are about done here, wouldn't you say?" 

Maggie's lip poked out a little bit at the maybe but she new not to push it anymore or she would find her ownself in trouble. A maybe wasn't a no, so it was really fifty fifty chance he might come. 

   "Oh, ok...but I hope you do."

Sitting down Maggie takes a slice of bacon and folds it a few times before finally poping it into her mouth. She didn't tell anyone but she really didn't want to go to school today. They were having an assembly and she hated those. It was to loud, and she had to face to many kids that picked on her. Having Garret pick her up though would be the highlight to any bad day so it was something for her to look forward too.

Having dinner with Gunner was nice and Bree had enjoyed it. Seeing Gunner smile even if it was a half smile made her feel good, like things might end up being ok. SO for now her worry lessened and she just tried to relax.

   "This was really nice, thank you."

As dinner was finished and now softly dancing in the living room Bree returned Gunner's kiss. He really did know how to make all the clouds just go away, and make her feel good. Even if she was worried about him, this was what kept her here, this is what always made her forgive. The good times were the best friends.

   "I guess we better answer before they call to loud and wake the neighborhood up. I think sitting under the stars with you is the best idea yet, and a good way to wrap up the evening. I'll meet you there."

Leaning up and kissing Gunner again Bree didn't want to let go. She wasn't sure why, but just something in her wanted to hold on for a long time. Finally backing away she smiled before disappeared down the hall to find a blanket.

   "Sounds good to me. I'm not working on anything to major at the moment so that wont be an issue. Maybe I can throw all my open cases on Mark."

Sam laughed she she stood her eyes danced. In all honesty she was excited. She always got tossed around between partners and never really had the one stability. Maybe going to the Elite with her friends would change that and change how she viewed her work.

    "In all honestly...thank you for picking me Kirk, Adison sure is lucky to have you in her corner."

Throwing him a wink Sam turned to leave the room and go back to work. She might not be to busy, but she still had stuff she needed to do and she better get on it before Barnes had a reason not to let her leave.