November 8, 2016


Jamison grinned a little as he picked up all his papers. He'd always liked Adison - she was one of the few people who treated him like a human being around the office. "You kidding? You could handle this single-handedly. But I say we at least need to bring Henry in for questioning. Get the right man in the room with him, and he might just spill his guts, then we can arrest him." 

Getting out of the car, he walked inside the building with Adison. It was easy enough to go up to the fifth floor after they'd flashed their badges. Arriving at the secretary's desk outside Henry's closed office, Jamison took the lead, but only after being given a nod from Adison to grant him silent permission. "Good morning, Miss Windsor." The young woman's name was nowhere to be seen - but when he did his homework, he was thorough. "We're from the FBI and we'd like to speak to Mr. Klarksen if we may." 

The blonde eyed them suspiciously before she reached for the phone. Her hand slid under the desk first though, and Jamison glanced at Adison to make sure she'd seen it too. 

"Mr. Klarksen, there are two FBI agents here. May I send them in?" Miss Windsor paused. "Yes sir." She hung up and smiled sweetly. "He's just finishing up a conference call and can be with you in just a few minutes." 

"Thank you." Jamison's eyes scanned the reception room before landing on Adison again. "And,"

From the foyer, a large man in a suit entered - and he was not smiling. "I'm going to have to ask you two to leave," he demanded roughly. 

Jamison stood straight, but still had to look up at him. "I'm sorry, but this is official business and we're going to talk to Mr. Klarksen." 

"Not without a warrant." The man grabbed Jamison's shirt collar. 

Jamison acted swiftly. Torquing the man's hand back, he twisted it so as to make the man's shoulder turn, which knocked him off balance just long enough for Jamison to step behind him and slam him face-first into the wall, while keeping his arm bent behind his back. Before he could say anything, a second man appeared and immediately came to towards them. Jamison's leg shot out in a strong kick, directly hitting the side of the new man's thigh, right where the nerves were. The man's entire leg buckled, sending him to the floor with a cry of pain.

By now, the secretary was standing, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open but with no sound.

Jamison's voice remained calm. "Miss Becc, I've got this if you want to go make sure Mr. Klarksen isn't using his hidden door behind the bookcase to go out the back way."  

"Awesome." Kirk smiled, thrilled that Sam was on board with this. There were a lot of good agents around here he could choose from, but just the fact that he already knew and liked Sam, and knowing he could work with her - that counted for a lot. "I'll still need to clear it with Barnes. As soon as I get the official word - hopefully today - I'll let you know so you can start wrapping up your current cases and/or divvying them out to other agents." 

He stood from the table and tried to think if there was anything else. "I guess that's it. Within the next week, I want to take you and Adison both down to the current Elite office to meet Reese and some of the others. I'll also introduce you to Aaron and get a full profile on him so you can be prepared for that aspect." 

Oh, those eyes. Garret almost cringed. It wasn't that he didn't want to be there for Maggie... It was just...outside the house, outside his safety zone...and a step away from the darkness he'd been wrapping himself in. He looked back at Nate and Laura. This was a school...they had rules. "If they knew half the things I've-"

"They don't," Laura interrupted. "And they won't. have no official record." 

That much was true. As far as the law was concerned, he was so clean, he was almost non-existent. The Elite had kept him out of the system. But...

Garret glanced at Maggie again. "I... we'll see." 

Laura quickly steered the conversation so Maggie wouldn't continue to beg. Garret had had enough. "Either he or I will pick you up today, okay? That way you don't have to ride the bus. Now hurry and eat or you're going to be late."

Gunner smiled and gave Bree a tight hug before pulling away. "I'd love to help finish the salad. Vampires are super good at making salad." 

Moving back, he grabbed the head of lettuce that was on the the counter and threw it up in the air before catching it over the sink to rinse it. "And how you toss a salad." Continuing to help around the kitchen, he talked and laughed, every once in a while stopping just to kiss or tickle her, purposely interrupting her as she tried to wrap up their dinner. 

Upstairs, JT was just getting dressed. He'd been called in to the graveyard shift, so had slept most of  the afternoon. Hearing Gunner downstairs and a happy shriek from Bree, he smiled. As he headed for the stairs, he checked his phone and stopped, seeing a text from Con. Reading it, his happiness faded somewhat. least for the moment it sounded like Gunner was happy. It was either a mask or rather manic behavior...neither of which were good, but at least for the moment, they could relax... 

Supper was eaten and enjoyed with light small talk and a bit of silliness. Once finished, Gunner helped withe the dishes - making sure he at least once got Bree on the nose with soap bubbles - then wound up in the living room. With some soft music playing and only one lamp on, he took Bree in his arms and swayed gently, just slowly dancing. Smiling down at her, he gave her lips a tender kiss. "I hear the stars calling our names," he whispered. "I'll provide the telescope if you provide the blanket."