November 8, 2016

Always will be

Jamison nodded - he had this room under control and had full confidence Adison would have no trouble handling Mr. Klarksen. As she left, the guy on the floor got up and lunged at Jamison, but he was met with another kick to the chest, forcing him to stumble backward into the desk and finally onto the floor again. Jamison rolled his eyes. "Just stay down there this time. It'll make things a lot easier on all of us." 

The two men were a bit of a handful, but he was still in control once Adison reappeared with Mr. Klarksen. No surprise he was in cuffs. "Hey...lookie there." He grinned and released the first man with a bit of a shove to create some distance. "I woulda hated to leave empty handed." 

Following Adison out, he took up the rear to make sure no one started any trouble or tried to keep them from leaving. Thankfully no one interfered, and it wasn't too long before they were back and hauling Mr. Klarksen inside. "Take him to the interrogation room," Jamison suggested. "I'll tell Philip he's got a new client to pick on." The other agent was one of the top interrogators, besides Kirk, and Jamison planned on watching with Adison to make sure they got what they needed to close this case. 

As he went separate ways at an intersection in the hallway, Mark was quick to pick up on the fact that something was going down. Sauntering over to Jamison, he grinned. "Letting Adison do all the work, huh?" he taunted. "That's probably wise. Let the girl handle the big guys." 

Jamison tried to keep walking, but Mark stepped in front of his path. He knew he was one of the smallest men on staff - he was even a good two inches shorter than Adison herself - but he was getting awfully tired of this game. "Out of my way, Mark. I've got things to do." 

"Like what? Who'd you bring in?"

"Not any of your business." Jamison looked up at him stubbornly. "Now move before I move you."

"Ohh!" Mark laughed. "The little guy is talking big." He gave Jamison's shoulder a shove to walk past instead of going around. "Have fun on your little case. But when you're done, we could use some more coffee made in the break room." 

Jamison's hands had formed fists by his sides, and it took him just a moment to compose himself before going to Philip's office. "Hey." He knocked on the door and poked his head in. "Got a new one down in interrogation. Adison's got him. She'll fill you in on the case." He hesitated, ready to say more, but let it go. Making his way back down the hall, then up to the next floor, he wandered to his desk and flopped down behind several tall stacks of books and paperwork. Just swiveling back and forth in his chair, he had a hard time forgetting Mark's insults. It was just as well that he let Adison finish up this case on her own.

Downstairs, Philip was quick to meet Adison at the interrogation room, and looked through the window at Mr. Klarksen, who looked less than happy. "Whoa. I know that dude. We've been trying to catch him on something for ages. Jamison said you'd fill me in on what's happening so I know what to get out of him." 

Smiling again, Gunner let Bree go, and headed to get his telescope. JT, ready to go in to work, met him outside on the porch. "Hey. Heard from Con today."

Gunner stopped halfway down the steps and glanced over his shoulder. "And?"

"And...he told me what happened." JT meandered down to the sidewalk to walk with him to the driveway. "Do I need to send someone to your place, or are you going to stay here the night?"

Gunner stopped at his car and forced a wry grin. "Those are the two options, huh?"

JT nodded. He wasn't going to play around. Not when Gunner's life was at stake. "That's it. Take your pick."

"Mm. I'll...probably end up staying, don't need to worry."


Gunner sighed. "Yes. Really. I'll sack out on the couch - probably with Bree. You know we like that. As long as I'm with her...I'll be fine."

JT took a moment, but finally accepted it. "Okay. Call me if you need anything." 

After he was gone, Gunner retrieved his telescope from his own car and headed to the backyard...

...Lying on his back next to Bree, Gunner stared up through the telescope, finding particular stars and commenting on them, just like they used to do. It brought back a lot of memories...and a lot of smiles. 

Turning another direction and bypassing the telescope, Gunner lined himself up with Bree and took her hand to hold it up to the sky, finding her palm constellation, and his own that shared one of the stars. "They're still there," he commented softly. He held up their hands for the longest time. "And they always will be," he concluded. Shifting onto his side, he leaned over to her and placed the gentlest of kisses on her lips. "I love you, Bree. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. And that'll never change."