January 1, 2017


Work had gone quickly and Sam was looking forward to going out tonight with Hal. She got alone with him good, he was nice, and he was good looking, but that was beside the point. He just seemed like he would be a really nice guy to hang out with even if there were no strings attached.

Letting her had down, and cleaning up a little Sam put a pare of jeans on, a nice shirt and her jean jacket. It wasn't anything fancy but it was comfortable and if she was going to have a good night she wanted to be comfortable.

Getting to the restaurant and seeing Hal Sam waved. She hoped he hadn't been waiting long. Coming over to him and sitting down she couldn't help but help how good he looked in just casual clothing. She wondered if maybe Hal was just one of those guys who looked good in anything. Realizing her mind went off track Sam brought it back. She hadn't asked him here tonight as a date, she hardly new him. 

   "Hey Hey, I hope you wern't waiting long. The traffic was a little worse than I thought."

Looking at Hunter and squinting at Hunter Ryan gave a small smirk. He did make her feel better with his words. Maybe that was his talent...knowing the right words to say to someone to help them feel good. If it wasn't, maybe it should be, because he did good at it. 

   "I guess life always does have something to throw at as...time and time again. I always thought I was strong though and now...I just dont feel like I am anymore."

Letting off a sigh and finishing off her water Ryan new she shouldn't be so hard on herself but she was. She always had been the strong one that it was hard to have her weak moments now. Maybe she was her own worse enemy.

Slidding off the hood of the car and turning to Hunter Ryan put her hands in her pockets just looking at him for a long moment. 

   "Well whats taking you so long? I'm ready to go when you are."