January 9, 2017

On Call

   "Note to self, don't order pizza for a long while. Got it...we will be pizza free for a long while."

Misty chuckled as she took a bite of her own soup. They never ordered pizza too much anyways so it was nothing to worry about but still. If all Carson had been really eating was pizza it was no wonder he was sick now. 

   "I missed cooking for you. I'm happy I get to again."

Letting the silence linger Misty didn't mind. It gave them a chance to eat, to think, and just being there with each other was enough for her. 

Finally finishing her food and setting the bowl down Misty leaned back on the couch and put her arm around Carson as he leaned his head on her. Hearing his words Misty grinned just a little at his question. She always had found his sick needyness to be cute.  

   "I'm going to call Reese and tell him I need to spend the rest of the day at home, but I'll be on call if anyone needs me. I'm far too comfortable on this couch with you to move."

Unbuttoning her sleeves Ryan rolled them up before wondering over to the pickup that Clint was working on. Listing to him Ryan just looked at the truck as well as the wheels in her mind worked. Some might think she was at a loss but she was just looking everything over, taking it all in.

Reaching out and jiggling one of the pipes on the truck Ryan scrunched her face for a moment before turning to look at Clint. Giving a small smile to Clint she hardly thought he was that bad or he wouldn't be working here.

   "Well, I guess we are in the same boat then and can help each other. I haven't really been up to my full potential the last few weeks either."

Moving around to the side of the truck Ryan fiddled with a few more things and it didn't take long for grease to end up her arms, on her face and some on her clothing. It didn't bother her though one bit. This was normal to her, nothing new.

   "Oh try it now, there was an intake pipe that's clamp got lose. It was hiding here behind the engine. Looks like there is a crack in the radiator hose. If you have the part we can change it out, or if you have to wait till you get it in I can show you a nifty trick with a beer or soda can and electrical tape."

Returning Justin's handshake Sam smiled and gave a nod. She was happy to finally meet him. Maybe if Aaron was seeing him it would help a little. Sam could tell there was a lot of issues on the inside layer of Aaron that he hid, but she had no idea how to reach or help with that. If Justin could help great.

   "What do you think we should do about that? Ignore him? Give him the attachen? I'd like to hear what you have to say, that is if you can talk about it."

Any help she could get Sam would take. She wanted to do all she could for Aaron, but wanted to make sure she was helping more than harming more.