January 4, 2017

Mood Killer

Popping her eyes open Ryan squinted letting her eyes adjust once again. She was never much of a morning person and she was sure she looked at mess. But she didn't really care much. She had been sleeping after all.

Hearing Hunter a memer came from her to let him know she was in fact awake. Rolling onto her stomach and proping herself up on her arms Ryan leaned her head forward onto the pillow as she looked at Hunter for a long moment. At least she wasn't the only one having a hard time waking up.

   "You can try but some how I doubt that will happen, and I am definitely not dress you, for you."

Just laying there for a few more moments Ryan new they really did need to get up if they didn't want to be driving all day again. They would more than likely have to stop a few times for her anyways. 

Finally sitting up and giving a stretch Ryan looked to Hunter sleepy. 

   "Alright, alright one of us has to get up first or neither of us will, so I guess I will be the mood killer. I should be ready in about ten minutes."

Getting to the door and opening it slightly Ryan stopped before turning to look at Hunter still laying on the bed. 

   "Hunter. I..know I have said it about a million times but I have to say it again. Thanks, for everything. It really means a lot to me."

Sam gave a nod to JT. She didn't mind going in with him and it made her feel a little better too knowing she would be there in case anything was to happen. Entering with JT Sam stayed out of the way so he could work. Following with them to the infirmary. She was sure Aaron was going to put up at least some kind of fight but was pleasantly surprised to see he did not.

As Aaron kicked out though Sam straighten a little but seeing JT could handle that and it didn't like like Aaron was trying anything else Sam relaxed again. Following JT out she locked the door behind her before following him to see about the pain killers. 

   "Got it. Thanks for coming to help him. I know its not in your job description but...he needs this, and even if he's not thankful I am."

Once JT was gone and Sam brought Aaron some breakfast she didn't linger long before leaving the room again and finding Garret. Giving a wave she leaned on the cubical wall and gave a friendly smile. She new she had asked Garret about Aaron before, but she wondered if maybe he could just give a little more light to the situation.

   "Hey! I just wondered if I could get your help."

Giving Garret the low down about Aaron and how he kept picking locks and walking around she just searches his face. Garret didn't know Aaron to well on a personal level but this was different and maybe there was something there, maybe there wasn't. 

   "...Anyways that's the point we are at. Just watching Aaron when he leaves, and seeing what he does. Sometime just feels off, but...I don't know why and I was just hoping maybe you could help me understand a little more."