January 9, 2017


Ryan enjoyed working with Hunter in the barn and then bringing some horses out. She wasn't one hundred percent comfortable with the larger animals yet but didn't mind being around them to try to get use to them more.

Once finished in the barn and making their way to the auto shop Ryan could feel her gut twist. Since when did meeting someone new get so nerve wracking. Entering and giving a wave and a small smile to Clint it was nice to put a face with the name. Looking around the shop it was much different from the one she worked at. It seemed nice and cozy though.

   "I don't need any extra clothing, if this stuff gets dirty I don't mind. Tis the life of a mechanic."

Looking to Hunter and giving a small nod she would be ok for now. This was her element, and she could get lost with cars for days.

    "What can I start helping you with? Just point me in a direction and I'll start."

The morning went fast and before she knew it, it was lunch time. Gathering her stuff together and letting Reese know she might be a little later getting back Misty headed for home. Not before stopping for soup, cough drops, and ginger ale. 

Coming inside and seeing Carson she knew he was going to feel worse before he felt better and he was burning up. 

    "Hey Babe. I'm going to fix you some soup ok, then I want you to make your way up to the bedroom. It's a lot warmer and more comfortable. "

Leaning down and giving his forehead a kiss Misty was gone to the kitchen to fix them lunch.

It didn't take long and she was back with some soup, crackers and a small glass of the ginger ale. She didn't mind taking care of Carson, she actually rather missed it. 

   "Here, sit up and try to eat a little for me ok. We gotta get you feeling better."