January 3, 2017

Just Fit

Sam rolled her eyes at Hal before giving him a sidelong glance and a grin. Yeah sure Aaron would be thrilled after he told her he wasn't doing therapy anymore. She was excited to see how this was going to go. She had to talk to JT and see if he needed or wanted her to stick around.

   "Wish my luck while I tame try to tame the wild beast."

Imitating her best Australian accent Sam got up and left the office once again. Seeing Garret Sam waved at him.

   "Hey, sometime today I am gonna need to pick your brain about Aaron again."

Turning and jogging over to JT before he went into the room Sam gave him a smile. Letting him know the low down on how Aaron didn't want therapy anymore and she had told him touch and she wanted make sure he was still comfortable.

   "Yeah so I dont know if he is going to be easy to work with today or not. If you want me to stay with you while you work with him I can just to make sure he don't try anything funny. It's completely up to you though and how comfortable you are."

Hearing the alarm go off Ryan groaned a little. She felt like she had just fallen asleep and was not ready to wake again just yet. Trying to remember for a second where she was, everything from last night came back to her and she couldn't help but let her eyes go wide remembering she was in bed with Hunter. She hoped she hadn't offended him or upset him in anyway. Feeling his arm go back around her though as he shut off the alarm she would guess he hadn't minded at all. 

Feeling Hunter bury his face into her shoulder Ryan leaned her head against his for a moment. He felt so warm and so comfortable with his arm around her. She felt so safe just right there. Pulling his arm closer to her again and wiggling her foot around his a little to make it more comfortable as he wrapped her legs up some might think it would be uncomfortable to be wrapped up like this but to her everything was perfect, and just seemed they fit. 

   "Five more minutes sounds good to me. I'm to comfortable to move."

Bringing her hands to his arms she just let them rest there as she absentmindedly rubbed his arm as she drifted off to sleep again her hand moving slower and slower till it finally stopped proving she had fallen asleep again.  Her hand just continuing to rest on his arm.