January 8, 2017

A Little Time

Drawn into Misty's kiss, Carson returned it with just as much passion. Her affection was different from the last time. It was more than just a need for temporary satisfaction. She finally did really want him back. Oh how it made his heart race. 

He leaned his face into her hand a little and just closed his eyes, letting his arms settle down around her waist. Her words were the ones he'd been waiting to hear for so very long. As he opened his eyes again though, there was hesitance. What if they moved too quickly? What if they made these decisions in the heat of the moment and tomorrow she felt differently?

He leaned down to rest his forehead against hers and closed his eyes again. "You have... no idea how good that sounds." His arms grew tighter around her. "I just... Maybe we should take things slower this time." Every fiber in his being wanted to stay here, starting tonight, until the house was ready. But... was Misty really ready? If he was reading her wrong, and she changed her mind, he wasn't sure he could take it. 

He drew back and kissed her lips again, letting it linger sweetly for a few moments. "I gotta take Mac back tonight," he reasoned. "And all my stuff's at the house." He gave her another kiss. "Give my heart just a little time...okay?" he whispered. "I can't mess this up again."

"I'm ready when you are."

Carson stepped back quickly from Misty and looked to the door where Mackenzie had just appeared. "Alright. I just gotta grab my jacket and keys."

Mackenzie stood for a moment, watching them. The energy had faded from her eyes. She had heard them argue. She had heard them cry. She wanted to think them hugging meant everything was okay but she couldn't be sure. Seeing tears on Misty's face was one thing. Seeing them on her dad's face was something else. She finally just nodded. "Okay." Turning, she went to drag her bag from the bottom of the stairs where she'd left it. 

Carson sighed and wiped his eyes with his shirt sleeve. He took Misty's hand - the one that still had the bloody paper towel on it. "Take care of this ay?" His eyes fell into hers, drinking in the love he finally saw again. "I'm taking off work tomorrow... maybe over your lunch break I'll come by the office and pick you up and... take you to see the house?"

A rooster crowing forced Hunter's eyes open. Somehow he'd wound up on his stomach again, one arm draped around Ryan and one arm tucked under his pillow. 

He blinked in the dim light. Her face was almost touching his. She looked so... peaceful. Had he helped keep the nightmares away? She hadn't woken him in the night at least. 

Shifting into his side, still facing her, he brought his arm back and let his finger slide along her face, gently pushing a stray lock of hair from her cheek. 

The rooster crowed again and he rolled all the way onto his back to stretch. He knew by the shade of gray light coming in the window that a few people would already be in the barn. Stretching tall, he yawned. "Hey, Ryan?" he coaxed gently. "I'm gonna get up... you can stay right here if you want, though." He imagined she'd want to go back to her own bunk where her own clothes and shower were, but he wouldn't kick her out.