November 1, 2016

Your Help

Listing to every little thing Garret said Nate processed it. It made sense really, as much as anyone would want it to not make sense it really did. In there line of work Nate had come to learn the easy way, the clean way was not always the most effective way. Garret new the Agency like the back of his hand so why would any of them doubt him.

   "That actually make a lot of sense Garret."

Thinking again for a moment he wondered if Reese would go for it. They had come up with no leads yesterday and this was something new to try. He hoped Reese would go for it. As much as he didn't want Jason to get hurt if this meant catching the sniper, than he hoped it would be a good one.

Looking up at Garret and seeing a small spark Nate was pleased. It was much more than they had seen in the past few days and he was happy maybe, Garret was starting to pull himself out of the pit. All they could do was continue to try.

   "You wouldn't by any chance want to come into the office with me and help me convince Reese would you? Not to mention I have some more paper work from Brookshire to go though and I could really use you to help."

Smiling up at Kirk Adison had never been one much into fairy tales, but this being here now with Kirk, reminded her of the ones she did know. She couldn't help but kick her own self for not just going for it sooner. 

   "No, I guess we never have."

Just handing his hands Adison couldn't help but search Kirk's face in a whole new light. This opened up so many different things for them, a whole new life, and a whole new way to look at each other. They were still best friends but now there was more added to it as well. Still holding Kirk's hand Adison turned a little to face the rows that were in front of them.

   "So now what was this stuff you were looking for down here?"

Misty looked at Rick once Jason was gone. He hadn't lied to him, but there was more that they didn't tell him as well. It was a difacult situation, that was hard to approach and talk about. 

   "Maybe because even though we didn't lie, we didn't tell him everything either."

Looking up at Jason as he sat down Katie smiled. At least he still had a sense of humor, and even if she was worried slightly she'd try and at least keep it at bay for his sake.

   "Not dying is a good thing, and more fun huh?"

Katie moved back in her chair to sit in from of Jason. Leaning forward she gave him a small kiss on the lips before backing away again. It felt nice to just be normal with Jason again.

   "I think I can definitely handle that."