November 1, 2016


Seeing a man approach the house, Garret straightened. Despite his misery, he suddenly became much more alert as he quickly took in this stranger. He was casually dressed but neat, he walked with confidence, and was approaching with signs of friendliness mixed with curiosity. Maybe he was here to see Laura.

As the man called him by name though, every hair on his body bristled. No one outside the Elite should know him, let alone his whereabouts. The Agency had found him. And it struck multiple types of terror into his veins.

Keeping his facial expression calm though, he slowly got to his feet to face the man. "Oh yeah?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Funny, since... I'm supposed to be dead." He cocked his head, locking eyes with the man only for a second. And in that second, he mapped out exactly what he was going to do. And in the next two seconds, he executed it.

Grabbing Ron's arm and twisting it quickly behind his back, his free hand took hold of his neck and sent his forehead directly into the porch railing. Sweeping his feet out from under him, he immediately held him face first on the ground, his arm still twisted, while he held a knee between his shoulder blades.

"Talk, and do it fast," he hissed. "Who sent you?"

Laura had seen someone coming up the walk and was just getting to the door when she saw Garret react. Her eyes went wide and she stepped outside quickly. "Garret!" She came halfway down the steps. "Garret, don't!"

He paused but didn't let his guard down. "You know him?"

"No, but-"

"Well he knows me, and that's a problem."

Laura put a hand to her mouth. No one should know him. Was this man from the Agency?

"Go call Nate," he growled. "I won't kill him."

Laura wasn't sure she believed him, but even if he was lying, there wasn't much she could do about it. Going back inside, she grabbed the phone to call Nate and tell him what was going on. "Nate, we've got a situation. Garret's got a guy outside who might be Agency. Just...come. Now. And bring someone with you."

"Now. Who are you?" Garret asked again. "Tell me, or the next sound you hear is gonna be your own arm snapping."

Kirk shrugged and took back the jacket. He wasn't done yet though. Opening his mouth to reply, he stopped as Nate's cell phone rang. Then he grinned. He was always up for a challenge. "You take care of that. I'll take care of Reese."