November 1, 2016


As Garret moved so fast Ron didn't even have a chance to think twice. His arm being twisted his head being hit and now being on the ground he yelled in pain. Trying to break free was useless. Hearing another voice he tried to look but he was completely helpless not to mention his head was not throbbing causing it to hurt like no tomorrow.

   "I....was sent here by your father in law to find you. Your wife and kids have been looking high and low, and not having luck. So I was higher to track you down. I'm a detective."

As Nate's phone rings and he watches Garret leave Nate stands quickly hearing Laura's urgent voice. Continuing to listen to her Nate was already waving Wyatt down to come with him. His heart raced knowing Agency might be at his house. Not just for his family but for Garret too.

   "Laura stay in the house till I get there. I'm on my  way now with Wyatt."

Hanging up the phone Nate starts a jog twords his car hoping Wyatt was close behind him. He didn't want to wast any time at all. 

   "There is someone at the house Laura thinks might be Agency. They were looking for Garret."

It didn't take long for Nate to get to the house. Seeing Garret and the stranger outside Nate parked he car and got out fast. Looking between Garret and the man on the ground Nate also took note to the blood on his forhead. 

    "Garret...any luck with who he is? We should get him back to the Elite."