November 14, 2016


   "Garret is definitely an unopened book in many ways. We will keep and eyes out and if things seem fishy we will ask. I want to give him a chance but keep out family safe too."

Nate gave a small laugh at Laura. Trust be told he was wide awake, but he was exhausted at the same time. He'd like to stay up but if he layed down he new he would be asleep in an instant. So bed it was with Laura was the best option to him.

Shifting on the couch and standing Nate moves quickly to pick Laura up his one arm under her legs and the other behind her back. Smiling and leaning down to kiss her again Nate makes his way to the steps before looking down the hall, and than upstairs his eyes twinkled.

   " don't want to wake the kids."

Giving a nod to Kirk's proposal Ron lined up his shot before taking it and scratching once again. Well at least the longer the game went, the more company he would have for the night.

   "Sounds like a plan to me. Maybe it will look different in a different lite."

Walking over to Adison his took his beer from behind her and smiled taking a sip and than looking back to Kirk. It was a little odd knowing they were together now, and he had interest in her. He respected that, and never would do anything to break that respect.

   "I truly am happy for you both. You guys are almost to perfect together. But I think thats the way it should be."

He just gave a smile before going back to the pool table and looked at the different lined up shots waiting for Kirk to take his turn. 

   "So are you going to shoot or take all day?"