November 14, 2016


As Laura is swept up in Nate's arms, she giggled and wrapped her arms around him. Even when the days were long, he still managed to make her laugh and feel loved. She bit her lip and tried to stifle her next giggle as he shushed her. Leaning up, she put her lips to his before drawing back to whisper. "As long as I kiss you, my laughing won't wake anybody up." 

Nuzzling her face into his shoulder, she let him carry her upstairs. It was hard to believe not all that long ago, she'd been so hesitant to be in a relationship with Nate, let alone marry him, let alone start a family with him. And now...she wanted nothing else, and could not imagine life without him...this family...this home. Maybe that's what made her pity Garret so much - knowing that he had no concept of this kind of love. 

Settling in bed a short while later, she curled up close to Nate, so tired but so warm and safe...

...Garret's own cry woke him with such a start that he shot up in bed, sweat pouring down his face and neck. The nightmare was still fresh in his mind, as was the pain in his soul.

Something - some sound - woke Laura with a start and she sat straight up in bed. It was dark. Late. Her ears picked up muffled sounds from downstairs. Movement. Garret? Her hand reached out to find Nate's arm. "Nate?" she whispered. "Did you hear something?"

Downstairs, Garret's hands shook as he got out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. Leaving the light off, he turned on the cold water and splashed his face, just leaning on the sink and trying to calm his racing pulse. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a nightmare like that. It was his childhood all mixed together with imagined scenes - a strange torture of reality and skewed emotion. It was his own fault. He never should have let his mind wander to certain places it had during the day.

Kirk cocked his head and just looked at Adison as Ron spoke, gaining a little crooked grin. Yeah, this was just a wee bit awkward. The whole Ron attracted to Adison thing. But...Kirk wasn't worried in the least. In a way, he almost felt bad. He should have acted on his feelings before Ron had arrived so to avoid the whole awkward thing, was what it was, and they'd all get over it eventually.

Blinking back to attention, he cleared his throat. "Um, yeah. My turn. Right." A successful shot brought a chuckle. "Hey, look... I think I might be improving." He tossed Adison a wink. "Maybe I'll..." His sentence trailed off at a commotion near the bar. A man - obviously drunk - had a young brunette woman by the wrist and she was struggling to get away after having slapped him. No one was helping her though.

Kirk set down his cue stick. "Aw, heck no." He glanced at Ron. "You coming, or do I gotta take care of this on my own?"