November 13, 2016


Hey I know you are in your meeting but I'm at
your house waiting. Figured I might as well 
drive with you than on my own. See you tonight.

Work was over and Adison had gone home to clean up. Than Kirk's apartment was her destination. She would wait for him there. This morning they had a disagreement and she hated it. It was rare they disagreed on stuff but it did happen. She was ready to make up though, how could she stay mad at Kirk. The whole Jamison thing just got to her. She hated seeing people get hurt because of others.

Sitting in the meeting room Nate was quiet. He new bites and pieces here and there but now was the time to know everything. He was nervous and dare he say a little scared. He was never good with change and actually hated it. He could only hope for the best though, that everything would work out and be ok through this all.

Holding Con's hand Jamie didn't know what was going to happen. Listing to everything Reese said and all the change that was going to go on she didn't know how any of this was going to play out. The one thing she did know though was Con would be working with her again and for that it made this all bearable. She could face anything as long as it was with him. Giving Con a smile she looked back to Reese waiting to hear more.

Sitting in her chair listing to everything Misty couldn't help how hard her heart beated in her chest. More change was coming and she didn't know where they all fitted. Would they all have a place? It seemed like they would but the question was would they be doing something different or would thinks be the same?

   "What about the infirmary? Will we still have one or is that going to be taken away too?"

   "And will our teams be broken up? I don't think I want to work with anyone else but Scott, He knows me to well."

Dalton stood against on of the walls and had seen Scott look to him. He didn't have to say he was nervous about the change. He already new he was. He wasn't going to come right out and say that through. He didn't want to embarrass Scott, so hes change is up a bit and put the lights on himself. 

   "I still don't know why Gunner had to go. He was quirky am I. He was a good agent."

Sapphire sat in the front looking at Garret and than looking at Reese. In a way she understood, but at the same time she didn't. She was quirky, she had her days when she was all out weird. How would those days affect her job. Gunner was someone in a way she could relate too and she got along with. But now he was gone. How long would it be till she was gone too?