November 10, 2016

Old lady

Con grinned down at Jamie. He hadn't heard what she'd said, but by the amused look on her face, he could only guess. He was about to climb down and join them when everything went south.

Kirk didn't hesitate to help Katie get Jason to his feet and get him moving to one of the cars. Jason was still just a bit wobbly and so sore that he was glad for the help and didn't make a fuss. 

Down where the shooter was lying, Pete waited for Nate and just shook his head. What was going on here, and why? He glanced up to the building to see Con, and he knew it was safe to concentrate on getting the body into the van with Jamie's help. Once finished, he gave Con a salute, then got in as well so they could get back to the office...

..."So why is he dead?" Reese looked around at the group, now gathered again in the meeting room. 

"Shot to the head," Pete snorted. "Guess the Agency didn't want him talking." 

"Yeah but where were they?" Wyatt asked. "None of us saw anything."

"Well we were all looking the other direction."

Hal shook his head. "If we wouldn't have listened to Garret, we mighta been more prepared for something like this."

"It's not Garret's fault."

"Yeah, well, how do you explain-"

"At least Jason's okay!"

"Quiet!" Reese barked. Jason was shook up but the armor had proved invaluable. That was a success. But now was there a second sniper to worry about?

Con glanced down at Jamie and grimaced before he reached up and turned down his hearing aid. All of this noise was physically hurting. 

Reese turned to Nate, whom he'd put in charge in the first place, and held up a hand to stop Pete from saying anything more. "Now. Tell we have yet another sniper to worry about? Because if we do-"

"What'd I miss?"

Reese threw a glare in the direction of the door as Chance interrupted. "And where have you been?"

Chance's eyebrows rose. "Sorry. Got stuck on the way back. Old lady crossing the street, broken grocery sack - it was a mess. Thought about running her over to save five minutes but she had those little chocolate cookies that I love and my heart went out to her."

Wyatt snickered. 

Reese tossed him a look as well before turning back to Nate. "It would have been nice to have considered the possibility of a second shooter, without trusting blindly Garret's assurance there was only one man. And if there is a second sniper, that just means Jason's right back where he was and that's unacceptable. So I want your take on this before I tell him he still can't go home." 

Kirk stood back in the corner with folded arms, keeping quiet and just listening and watching.

In the infirmary, Jason lay on the bed after having been examined by Rick. He had a very large bruise on the right side of his chest, but the damage was minimal. The shirt had stopped the bullet, saving him from a worse fate. Still quite sore though, he was just as glad to just stay here for a while. 

Looking over at Katie, he gave her a tired grin. "I never got to finish lunch," he mused. He reached his hand over to her. "Thanks for having my back out there today. Now let's just hope it's over."

JT read Amanda's reply and sighed. He felt bad, but there wasn't a whole lot he could do about it at this point. Rolling over onto his side, he finally closed his eyes, and was almost immediately sound asleep...

...It was several hours later, giving JT enough rest to at least function again. Still no reply from Con, so JT called again and left another voicemail before going downstairs to find Bree. Wandering into the living room, he spotted her on the floor by the couch. He lowered himself down next to her and was quiet for a few moments. "Think of anything new? We can keep driving if you want."