November 10, 2016


Standing in Reese office leaning against one of the walls Nate new he was not going to be happy, but he did expect all the accusations going around either.  From Hal saying they shouldn't have listened to Garret, to Reese saying they had trusted Garret blindly. It made his blood boil, that they were so easy to push the blame onto him. 

   "Yeah I'll look into it..."

Nate bushed off the wall and looked to Hal for a long moment and than looking to Reese. If he stood here any longer he was going to really blow up.

   "...But don't you dare go blaming Garret because you just want someone to blame. He told us what we new, he helped us..its not right to just automatically throw the blame on him because you are all butt sore there might be another sniper out there. Even if he didn't help us this same thing could of happened."

Getting to the door Nate stopped and turned again for a moment. He didn't care if Reese was mad at him for speaking his mind. If something was wrong he sure was going to let someone know. 

   "By the way, I had considered a second sniper, thats why I had a ground team as well. I just never considered it would be the sniper the second shot would hit. So if you are going to blame anyone blame me and leave Garret out of this."

With that Nate gave a shake of his head and walked out of the room. He was irritated, he didn't know how they would figure out there was a second sniper and he wasn't about to go running to Garret badgering him for more information. He'd tell Jason to keep that jacket on a little while longer and see what happened. 

Katie smiled at Jason. He loved being is bodyguard, she always had but she hoped it was over too. She didn't like him being in danger like this. 

   "We will have plenty of more time for lunch, that I can guarantee."

As JT came over to Bree she continued to write before chewing on her pencil. She now also had a map in front of her with the places they had already looked for Garret crossed off. She was gonna fine him no matter what it took.

   "Yeah...I have some more places we can look."

Bree pointed to some different points on the map that were circled. She wanted to check these places. Maybe he went there to get air, or just get away but he had to know she didn't want it to be like this. 

   "Can we go now?"