November 6, 2016


Laura nodded thoughtfully at Nate's suggestion. "I know Reese has set things up in the past like with Carson  and Alec, and Gage. Got them into their own apartment until they were ready to find their own place but.... I don't know... Garret's different." She agreed that shoving him out on his own might not be a good idea. The other ex-Agency men had been exposed to living in the world before and during their time as operatives. Gage was a little different story, but he'd needed to be taught a whole lot of diffeent things. Garret...he knew how to survive well enough. It was relating to people that was hardest for him, not to mention his unique skills that could get him into trouble.

Still thinking, Laura's fingers absentmindedly ran small circles on Nate's chest. "You're right about Maggie. I... I think I'd like it if he stuck around a while, as long as he didn't feel caged in."

"Forever?" Garret stood and picked up the banana peel to throw away. "Forever is doing math all day, every day for a week straight." 

Walking behind her chair he reached out and ruffled her hair. It was early evening yet but... he was ready to retreat. Being out here for this long was starting to overwhelm him, and he'd rather go back to his room before it got to him. "Go show your brother," he suggested. "He'll be glad to see your work."

Just ready to take a bite of food, Kirk hadn't expected the whack to his head, and threw Adison a wide-eyed look. Was it that obvious he was having just a little trouble adjusting to their brand new level of friendship? He would have dwelled more on his slight embarrassment, but as she reverted to the topic of work, he stuff the food in his mouth and kept quiet. 

"Mm...yeah, I think Reese understood about Gunner, and maybe even agreed to a certain point. I was a little surprised actually. Gunner himself...seemed to take the news okay, but I have a feeling he was more upset than he let in." He sighed as he took another bite. "Nothing I could do at this point though. To tell you the truth, I was just glad I didn't have to fight about it."

He did feel badly though. Even if he did agree Gunner was unstable, he probably wouldn't have chosen to just outright fire him. "Hoping tomorrow Reese informs everyone if what's goinf on so I can start working with everyone. I know they don't want to but at least everything will be out in the open."

He glanced over at her and grinned. "And then I can get you in on the mix, too."

All JT really could do was nod, then follow Bree out to his car. There wasn't anything he could say to make this better. 

Starting off, they checked all the places they could think of, from Gunner's apartment again, to the Elite office once more, to the bridge he'd almost used before, to the church where he'd hidden out the last time. Nothing. No sign of him, and no one had seen him. It was frustrating that he not only would run off, but that he was also so good at it. 

By noon, JT was growing more frustrated than worried. When his phone finally rang, he pulled over to the side of the road. "Yeah, Con, what's up? ...Oh?...Okay.... Yeah.... No, we'll come. Thanks." Ending the call, he looked to Bree. 

"Con found him at the Crestview cemetery." It was about an hour's drive away. "Didn't approach him, but saw his car, then spotted him at his parent's gravesite." He sighed and pulled back out onto the road, doing a u-turn. "I gotta stop for gas, then we can go. Con said he'd keep his distance but keep an eye on him in case he decided to leave."

...JT pushed the speed limit a bit on the drive and it took less than the hour to arrive at the cemetery. It was a large area, and he slowly made his way around until they don't could see Gunner's car. Parking a distance away, JT glanced at his niece. "You want me to come with you, or you got this?"

The large headstone was near an oak tree that shaded the little area on top of a low hill. It really was a pretty spot if one were to think about it. Two names were engraved in the stone - the names of Gunner's parents. He hadn't been here in some time, but he'd had no trouble finding them again. 

Sitting in the grass, he was leaned back against the headstone, quiet and still. He was chilled and wet, having been sitting here all night and all morning without leaving. With eyes closed, one would assume he was asleep, but he wasn't. His mind was too full for sleep. Too tormented for rest.