November 1, 2016

Reese was anxious to hear any ideas Nate had, but as he realized just what was being suggested, his face grew more stern. "Absolutely not."

He folded his arms and shook his head. "I cannot, will not, knowingly put Jason's life in jeopardy! I understand why you might think it's a good idea, but I'm not surprised in the least that this sort of thing came from Garret, as dangerous as it is. He puts no value in lives, and there is no way I'm going to approve putting Jason in the sniper's sites on purpose."

He took a deep breath, not meaning to chew out Nate, but not agreeing at all. "Just stick with our initial plan of getting out there and hunting down evidence, and Jason's going to stay put right here." Not allowing another word, he spun on his heel to stalk to his own office. 

Kirk let out a low whistle as he strode up to Nate's cubicle. "And I thought my boss was bad." Actually he was a bit surprised at Reese, though he'd only caught the tail end of the conversation. It was enough to get the gist of it though. 

He hadn't yet given Nate the same spiel as he had Sapphire and Misty, so he knew good and well Nate wasn't going to trust him. But he had to start somewhere. 

"Look, I know I'm not involved in this case, but I've gotten a pretty good idea what's going on. So... If there's anything I can do to help, let me know." He started to walk away, but stopped and turned back. "Oh. And I brought this along." He handed Nate a sack with the garment he'd found earlier. "Basically its high-tech body armor. Been tested to withstand some pretty good ammo. Figured it might come in handy for Jason. Just...don't tell anyone you have it or I'll be in mighty hot water."

Garret lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. He'd already memorized every crack and crevice, and...maybe...he was bored. He could hear Laura walking around upstairs. Nate was long gone. Maggie was at school. And...he was tired of being alone in this room with his thoughts.

He glanced at the window...but he still had the curtains draw. The he looked at the closed door. Eventually he finally got enough gumption to get up. Staying in his bare feet, he trudged down the hallway, and to the front door. There was a part of him that didn't even want to go outside. There was something...almost frightening. His hand paused on the door knob until he finally turned it.

Getting outside, the fresh air hit his senses hard. Maybe he hadn't realized just how long he'd been inside. He wandered to the steps and sat down, just within the sun's reach. Leaning his head to the side to rest against the railing, he looked dimly out at the street. What place did he really have in this world?