November 4, 2016


Garret withheld a laugh at Maggie's pronunciation. That's what the name did look like, and the poor fellow probably had a lot of people laughing behind his back. No Agency alias there. 

As he continued to read through profiles and hiring dates and study the pictures, he was a little surprised Maggie stuck around. She had no idea what was going on, and this had to be far from interesting. But...knowing she was still here even though he'd done a pretty good job of ignoring her a lot lately... Garret couldn't help the little bit of pleasure that managed to make itself known in spite of all his inner conflicts. 

Laura gave Maggie a smile and nodded. "Grilled cheese and tomato soup it is." It would be a nice easy meal that would do the body good, and it would be easy to warm up if Nate got home late again. "If you've got any homework, be sure to start working on it before we eat." She wasn't sure if Garret appreciated Maggie looking over his shoulder or not, but if not, at least this would give him a break while Maggie did her own work. 

Maggie's question made Garret pause with paper in hand, and glance over at her. There were those eyes again. Those same eyes that had begged him to help a dead bird, cried over a pickle jar, and convinced him that someone in this world trusted him. His shoulders dropped just a little and he sighed. He wasn't so sure he was ready for that atmosphere yet. If it weren't for the current situation, he'd still be hibernating in the bedroom. But...he couldn't just flat out tell her no. She was making it impossible. 

"We'll see," he finally answered, and turned back to his work. The corner of his eye still watched her, though. He had no understanding of why she liked to be around him. It made no sense. "If you want to bring your homework in here, you won't bother me," he added. He'd rather have her within sight right now least until Nate got home. 

Kirk had believed Ron was innocent. He had known he wasn't a part of the Agency. Still though, having it proven by the phone was a relief. He nodded. "Good job. They'll have no reason not to believe you." It was interesting, though, that someone had still thought Garret was alive. 

He turned to look at Nate. He was in charge on this one. It was obvious Reese had handed him the reins, not even showing up himself to listen to the call. "If you're satisfied that Ron is innocent, can he go?" He wondered about Garret himself and how he was doing, waiting to hear the verdict on this one, too.

A short distance away, Wyatt, Pete and Jamie had just come back into the building. Pete saw Nate was busy, but caught his eye long enough to throw up his hands and shake his head. Still no leads on Jason's sniper.