November 5, 2016


Erasing her work again and trying one more time Maggie did her best to try and do the problem again. When Garret tells her its wrong she erases one more time. Watching as Garret goes and gets the banana and comes back Maggie took in everything he was doing. As he talked Maggie nodded as she understood a little better being shown what to do. 

   "Ohhh...I understand now."

Going back to the paper and looking again Maggie starts to play with the banana slices herself as she does the work glancing here and there at Garret to make sure she was still doing it right. Having the banana there really did help because she could see it, not just think about it.

Katie tried to offer a smile to Jason to help the best she could. She new a smile was only a smile but sometimes thats all it took to help someone. If she could do more than she would do anything for Jason. She just hoped this would be over soon so he wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. 

   "Sure lets go. What movie we got today?"

It didn't take long to get to Kirk's after texting him. She was dressed like she normally was going there. She loved just being able to relax around him and be comfortable. The only little difference was a slight hint of vanilla around her. she wanted to be comfortable but smell good.

Getting to the apartment and just enting like she normal did she smiled seeing Kirk sitting down at his desk.

   "Always working arnt you?"

Coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around him she leans down and kiss his cheek before leaning her head against his. 

    "Exciting day?"