January 31, 2017


As Ron left, Reese turned back to the wall and sighed. "I just don't get it." 

Hal joined him and shook his head. "Me either. I don't like the thought of a leak." 

Reese glanced at him. They were a small team here. Who could they accuse? 

Hal simply read his expression and shrugged before turning to leave. Once he was back in the control room with Sam, he eased down in his chair and let out a long sigh. "I don't like this one bit. No one here can be a leak. They just... can't. No one here is like that." He searched her face. Did she believe him? They were like family here. "I just don't think anyone here is capable of something like this."

Pete swiveled in his chair inside his cubicle, his phone to his ear. "Naw... I don't need to talk to him. I just... wondered how he was doing. Okay... yes, thank you.... goodbye." Hanging up, he ran a hand over his face. It wasn't the same without Gunner around here. Sounded like he was doing okay though. Nothing official, but at least there hadn't been any more incidents. 

After stifling a yawn, he got up and grabbed his keys. He needed coffee if he was going to wrap up these two cases he was working on.

Seeing Ashlee's smile made Travis smile all the more. He loved seeing the innocent wonder in her eyes and the way she got so excited with the things that seemed so little. "I think maybe that calls for another kiss," he teased. Leaning over, he gave her another kiss on the lips before drawing back and forcing himself to stand up. If he didn't get moving now, he never would. 

"I gotta go help in the barn before my dad comes to razz me." He slipped on his cowboy boots and straightened his pantlegs. "Save me a seat at supper?" 

Clint wandered back to the garage, Wendy's words playing over in his mind. He really didn't want to talk to Wes. Wes had made up his mind and that was that. He wanted to serve his country...so be it. He'd given up the shop and Clint wasn't going to go begging him for company. 

Working the rest of the afternoon, time moved quickly. And by the time supper rolled around, Clint was walking Ryan to the house. He let her inside first before stepping in behind her. "Honey, I'm home!" he called. He gestured to a coat rack. "Here, you can hang your jacket up there if you like." He slipped off his boots and wandered to the kitchen. "Mmmm, something smells good." Chase was in his high chair and started banging his baby spoon on the tray, squealing happily with some mixed gibberish as he saw his daddy.

Clint grinned and motioned Ryan in. "That would be Chase." He reached over and fluffed up his wispy hair. Chase giggled and didn't notice, or care, about his drool. Clint moved over near the stove where Wendy was finishing up supper. "I see we're a little early. Sorry. Anything I can do?"

Good News

   "Pete seems like an ok guy. I don't mind working with him at all."

Shifting just a little more and looking over the board Ron finally looked away and gave Reese a nod. He had a lot of unpacking, and getting settled to do but he couldn't imagen being out of work for a while. He'd go simply mad and more than likely get himself into trouble.

   "Honestly, I'm happy you are just throwing me in. You'll soon find out I am a workaholic and I don't know how to rest."

Taking a few steps back Ron started for the door before stopping and nodding at Hal.
   "It was good to meet you. Reese if Pete and I could get whatever information Nate gathered already that would be great. Guess I should hunt him down and give him the good news."

Returning the kiss to Clint Wendy smiled up at him and ran her fingers through her hair. Clint had been in such a slump lately this affection she was going to soak up as much as she could. Pulling away and just smiling up at Clint Wendy's eyes twinkled.

   "Maybe you should talk to Wes about seeing if he can help you more?! He might not even know you miss having someone around."

Leaning up and kissing his lips again Wendy finally pulled away. She knew he had to get back.

   "Ok, I will see you for dinner tonight. I love you Clint."

Ashlee couldn't help the big smile that formed on her face as it felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. No one had ever asked her to be there girlfriend before and she felt...all nervous all of a suddon.

   "Yes, I would like that a lot."

Teaming Up

Reese's face tightened and almost paled at the suggestion of a leak. He trusted his team with his life. How could it be anyone from here? But he also trusted Kirk, and Kirk had chosen very few FBI agents to be here, so logically...it wouldn't be one of them. 

These questions were written all over his face. "I... think you're right." He nodded to Ron. As much as he didn't like it, they needed to narrow this down. "There are six cases here. Each with the same sniper activity. Four are connected directly to the Elite. Two are not. That's why I think your vigilante theory is right. I don't think it's necessarily anything personal but... we do handle some pretty bad guys here. And typically we don't transfer prisoners in armored cars so they're more vulnerable." Was that something that needed to change? He hoped not.

"You and Pete worked together before a little, right? How would you feel about teaming up with him? I gave this case to Nate, but he'll be out of town for a week and I don't want this to wait." He cringed a little. "I hate throwing you right in the middle of this as soon as you got here." 

"Good. I thought you'd say that." Clint set Chase down to play, then smiled at Wendy, slipping his arms around her waist and holding her close, rocking back and forth just a little. "I have to admit.... it's been kinda nice having someone helping me out in the shop. I know she's just here for a few days but... I guess maybe I didn't realize how much I missed someone actually there to help with all the messes." 

He sighed. Ever since Wes had left, then had come back with a change in focus, the whole thing had just felt off kilter. It just felt like he was sinking in the mud without any way to pull himself out. The only thing he really liked about this place anymore was his little family. And if he could move without it affecting them so severely...he would. 

Bending close, he gave Wendy a long kiss, just letting the moment linger before he pulled away. "I gotta get back out there... I'll be back in for supper though, and I'll make sure Ryan knows where to come." 

Travis grimaced a little, but nodded. "Yeah... maybe it wouldn't be too bad," he admitted. "At least now, it's... kinda obvious we wanna hang together." He lifted his head and gave her a silly grin. "Gonna let me call you my girlfriend in public?" 


Lane smiled a little, but wasn't convinced by Angel's encouragement. He was pretty sure finding another love was not in his future, let alone his ability to make anyone happy. He stood and went to go rinse out his mug before heading outside with her. It was still raining, but not as hard.

"I sure hope some of this dries up overnight," he mused, pulling his collar up a little higher around his neck. "Otherwise this is gonna be one big mess."

"Mm... maybe we don't have to wait for it to rain again to do this more." Travis' grin remained as he leaned down and placed a slow, tender kiss on Ashlee's lips. "There's always a little bit of free time, right?" 

He sighed and leaned back in the couch before ruffling her hair playfully. "If we can't go anywhere... maybe we can just be more creative around here. Our parents have backed off, so they shouldn't mind too much as long as we're careful, right?" 

Clint smiled as Wendy pulled away from the kiss. "Ryan won't mind a messy house. Trust me." He adjusted Chase in his arms and glanced around. It really wasn't too bad. It just looked... lived in. "Um..." As far a supper went, he didn't have a clue. "It doesn't have to be anything special. How about your sloppy joes?" As simple as it was, it was one of his favorite things that Wendy made. 

"Sorry I just sprang it on you. I just thought it would be a nice gesture. Ryan seems... kinda lost and I thought some quieter family time might help."

The new voice caused both Hal and Reese to turn around in surprise. Reese smiled, seeing who it was. He was glad Ron had made it. As much as all this change was hard, he knew Ron's skills would be a great addition to the Elite. 

Hal's eyebrows rose a little. He'd heard the scuttlebutt when Ron had been around before but didn't think he'd ever been officially introduced. He stepped forward and offered a handshake. "Hey." He threw Sam a wry grin. "We gotta work on that title though. Something without the word "crime" in it would probably work better in a place like this." 

Reese chuckled as he came over as well. "Thanks for the input. You're probably right. About it being some kind of vigilante that is. I just don't know where they're coming from, where they're getting their intel, or even why they're doing it. Why not just come to us?" 

"Because obviously whoever this is wants the targets dead," Hal pointed out. "They want justice served and they know that prison is about the worst thing any of these people will get." 

"So do you think it was Aaron who really was the target earlier?" Reese glanced at Ron. "Our resident Agency project. Sam's his handler and they went outside for some fresh air. Someone shot at them."

Hal nodded. "I do think he was the target. But I don't think it was Agency. I think it was the same sniper. Someone who would rather see Aaron dead than reformed or in prison."


Just watching her brother Angel's heart ached for him. She could see by the look in his eyes there was still love there for his ex-wife and it pained her. She didn't know the whole store but she had seen who his wife was and it was sad. How she much have changed over the years. 

   "Hey, its her loss. You are gonna make someone else pretty happy one day."

Angel smiled as she stood too. She should get back to her office and write up some paperwork she had been slacking on. 

   "Yes it seems they have. I have to go that way. I'll walk with you."

Leaning her head into his hand a little bit Ashlee smiled as she felt tingles down her spine. She was super comfortable right here with Travis. Rainy day and all it had been the best day she had, had in a while.

   "I have to agree. Never thought I could like the rain this much."

Hearing Clint's voice Wendy looked up and smiled. She didn't mind at all if he invited someone else over. Specially when he seemed in a good mood. Maybe having someone else to hang around with had been good for him and helped improve his mood. She hoped so because she hated seeing him unhappy.

   "I don't mind at all. As long as she doesn't mind the house being a little disheveled."

Wondering over to Clint and Chase Wendy kissed him on the head before leaning up and kissing Clint on the lips as well. Things had been a little crazy, and even though it had been a while she was still trying to get the hang of having two baby's in the house now. It just seemed as soon as she cleared one thing up another thing happened.  

   "I don't even know what I am making. Any ideas?"

Sam stood looking at the wall with all the papers on it for a long moment. Hal was right it didn't make sense and it seemed so separatic. What was the motive, the point?

   "We really don't have any answers, do we? I mean it's not even the same times or anything."

   "If you are looking for a pattern I would say whoever is doing the shooting it taking out skum Agency or not. It seemed like some kind of vigilante. As for how he picks his targets, I have no idea. "

Turning quickly at the sound of another voice Sam smiled seeing Ron leaning against the wall. She knew he would be coming, she just didn't know when. 

   "Ron! I wondered when you would get here."

Looking to Hal Sam smiled. She wasn't sure if she new who he was or not. 

   "Hal this is Ron! He's a good friend of mine, Kirk and Adison. Ron, this is my partner in crim Hal!"

January 30, 2017

Empty Window

As Scott moved the conversation along Hope let out a small sigh. There was so much more she wanted to say but maybe her job wasn't to say it all just to say a little and let him think. Than if he brought it up again she could say more.

   "I guess I should get to work since I am the only Dr there right now."

Standing Hope started to clear the table dropping the last few strips of bacon for Domino. Looking down at her and giving a wink she went back to cleaning up. Hearing Scott wanted to see her again tomorrow Hope couldn't help but let her smile grown as she nodded.

   "I'd like that. You have to do something for me though. Try picking up your camera again and just see what happens. You can take a picture of an empty window, but at least it's a start."

As Lane came back over Angel smiled. She had noticed how close Ashlee and Travis were getting and she thought it was cute. Giving a side long glance to her brother she smirked.

   "I say leave them for now. Seems innocent enough with them. Keep an eye on them but I wouldn't jump to any conclusions yet."

Taking a sip of her drink she was quiet again for a second. Though she had missed a bunch of her brother and her nephew's life she was happy they were hear now and she could enjoy their company. She really had missed them.

   "I bet he takes after you in the being romantic department. Actually, I see a lot of you in him."

Shifting a little with the controller Ashlee draped her legs over the armrest and put her head in Travis' lap. Turning her head a little to see the TV.

   "Ok...I'm ready. Lets do this."

The afternoon seemed to pass fast as Ryan helped Clint. She learned some new things from him and she showed him a few things to make his life easier. It was fun to be able to share information like this with someone. 

Hearing Clint's invitation for dinner Ryan looked up from the bolts on the engine of the car she had been tightening. He wanted her to meet the rest of his family and eat with them. Ryan couldn't help but be a little surprised. In a way though it made her feel good.

   "I've never really been around kids much but I don't mind. I think it would be nice to come. Need me to bring anything?"


As Travis put his arms around Ashlee she couldn't help but smile and lean into him a little bit. Letting him direct her hands Ashlee did her best to follow along. Finally, with Travis help, Ashlee let out another squeal completing the mission. 

Turning to Travis with a large smile on her face Ashlee leaned in and gave him a big kiss. Pulling away her cheeks went red as she hadn't even thought about what she had just done, she just...did it. Bringing her hand to his neck and up to his hair, she smiled.

   "Thank you for having the patients to showing me how to play."

Hearing Clint's comment Ryan shook her head. The only bike she had ever really been on was Eli's and he didn't ride it in the rain.

   "Sounds like fun actually. Not the whipping out part, but the riding part. I don't think I'll pick up that hobby, though. My brother freaks out enough when I would race my car. I could only imagen how he would be if I decided I wanted a dirt bike."

Taking a sip of her hot chocolate Ryan thought about Clint's offer for a long moment. Maybe working a little in his shop while it rained sounded nice. There really wasn't much more going on. Looking to Hunter she wondered if he had anything planned, she looked back at Clint and smiled.

   "I don't think I have anything going on. I can help if you want."

   "No it wasn't worth it, and that's the honest truth."

Pushing her plate aside and leaning on the table Hope new Scott was having a hard time understanding and maybe that was because his own anger and pain blinded him. Hope wasn't sure but she wished he would understand a little better.

   "Reese is upset because you went against what he said, you could have been killed and in the process you but the Elite at risk, and Garret's life in danger."

Hope wondered if Justin should be here telling Scott this stuff. She was no good at being the bad cop. But at the same time it was still Scott needed to hear. He needed to understand and she didn't know if she could penetrate his hard shell but it was worth a try.

   "I agree with Justin about not letting you back yet. You are not well, mentally, physically. Being around the kind of stuff we see day in and day out is not helping you. You need to work on you and get better so you can continue to help us. We all miss you horribly but we want you to be better, and if not better, at least stable. You need your time to do that without everything else getting in the way."

 Sam gave a smile to Aaron and she couldn't help the small proud feeling that welled inside her. Maybe not for herself but for Aaron. It was slow going but she could see a change in him from the first time they had met. Having him trust her, made her feel good too.

   "I'll tell you as much as I can once we find something out."

January 29, 2017


Travis laughed and shook his head. "You're actually doing better than I did the first time I played. Here."

Instead of taking the controller back, he scooted closer to her on the couch and put his arm around her. Then he took both her hands in his so he was actually using the controller but her fingers would be moving too so she could see what he was doing. "Good thing your hands are nice and small," he teased. "Otherwise this wouldn't work at all and I'd have no excuse to sit this close."

"Ever ride a dirt bike in the mud?" Clint had overheard Ryan's last comment, and wandered over to flop down in the chair next to Dylan before taking a sip of his drink - which was coffee instead of hot chocolate. He grinned and gestured with his arm. "Total wipeout. But at least the landing was halfway soft."

Hunter chuckled. "Still got your bike?"

"Um...no." Clint shook his head. "Paying bills was more important so... off she went."

Hunter inwardly cringed. "Ever thought about the dirt bike racing again?"

"All the time. Just... isn't in the cards right now." Clint paused a moment before he glanced over to Ryan. "So whatcha doing this afternoon? Got an oil change you could help me with if you'd rather be covered in grease and oil instead of mud..."

Scott kept his eyes on the table. "But... but wasn't the risk if the upgrade worth it? I mean... I don't understand why Reese is so upset." He really didn't. He knew maybe he'd gone about things the wrong way but why Reese had gotten as upset as he had...That's what didn't make sense. 

"And... And Justin.... I don't know why he won't let me go back to work. I know I've got some issues but... why not let me go back? Why am I being punished for just trying to help?"

Getting settled with Sam's help, Aaron sighed. He looked up at her and just cocked his head for a moment. "Ya know... I think I believe you. I shouldn't... but I do." For whatever reason, she seemed to genuinely care. He couldn't deny it now. It wasn't just a tactic. Why, he'd never know. But it was definitely there.

"You... let me know what you find out about the shooter?"


Holding the controller Ashlee just sat there with her mouth hanging open after she had shrieked. She'd never played many video games before but she new what they were. She was terrible at it for sure.

   "How is that even possible? There is no possible way to react fast enough to do that."

Ashlee held out the controller to Travis her nose scrunch up. He'd showed her how to play about three times now and she still didn't understand.

   "Show me again?"

Hearing Dylan's comment Ryan gave him a sidelong glance and couldn't help but grin. Her and Hunter had been flirting a little and she couldn't help but wonder what people would say about them. Taking a sip of her hot chocolate she was quit for a second before talking again

   "The rain makes horrible weather to race cars, but when its starting to dry up you slide a lot better. I don't mind the rain."

Just continuing to watch Scott Hope let him take the time he needed to let everything pass. She didn't want to push him but just let him take the time he needed.

   "Do you think Garret could help you by telling you how to control it?"

Hope didn't know if maybe Garret could help or not but it might be worth a shot. At least it would be a step in the right direction.

   "I know you thought you were doing what was right, but...it wasn't. Reese is one of the many people you need to say sorry to."

Sam thought for a long moment leaning against the counter. This whole thing didn't make sense especially because it simply came down to no one new Aaron was here but the Elite and FBI. So even if this wasn't Agency who was it and how did they know.

   "You right we can't just let this go anymore. Someone else is going to get hurt and or wind up dead. Let me get this stuff to Aaron. If you want to get Reese and Kirk together we can go from there on what to do next."

Leaving the infirmary and getting back to Aaron's room Sam handed him the pain killers and the water along with some ice for his knee. Getting him settled with a pillow under her knee she let out a long sigh. 

  "I really am sorry your time outside got cut short. Once we figure out what is going on and if its safe, I'll get you out again. Promise."

No Sense

Even though Aaron waved off her thanks, she still was thankful and reflex or not he didn't have to save her, the enemy. Though she hadn't planned the shooting and she didn't like it maybe it was another good step forward.

   "I can get you an extra one for today and some ice. Hang tight ok."

Looking the room Sam nodded to Hal to follow her as she shut the door but didn't lock it. Going to the infirmary it wasn't till they were inside and she was getting the pills JT had pointed out to her that sure turned to Hal.

   "Something doesn't feel right. No one knows Aaron is here but us. How could there be a shooter outside waiting for us? Unless we were one of the targets. But still it makes no sense."

Taking a bit of her toast Hope thought for a moment. Sleep was good but she often wondered if Scott slept to much. She missed seeing his pictures that he took.

   "Have you ever thought about taking more photos again? I miss seeing them and you were so good at it."

Looking down at her breakfast again and taking some toast she put a few of her eggs on top. She didn't want Scott to think she was pushing him. She really did just miss his pictures. She couldn't help but wonder too if getting fresh air more than he did would help too.

January 28, 2017


With Sam's help, Aaron got up off the ground, and used her to lean on as they made a faster route back inside than they had coming out. Hal followed close behind, keeping an eye out, but seeing nothing else. 

Once to the bedroom again, it wasn't until Aaron eased down to sit on the edge of the bed that his face paled. His adrenaline from the event had masked the pain in his knee. He must have landed on it when he'd hit the ground. 

He gritted his teeth and waved off Sam's thanks. "It was just reflexes." Leaving his feet on the floor, he laid back on the bed and put an arm over his eyes to half hide his cringe. Had he done more damage again or was it just going to hurt for a little while? "Any way I get get an extra pain killer? I... may have hurt my knee."

Outside and on the opposite side of the hall, Hal leaned back with his arms crossed, watching the scene. His facial expression was unhappy. Something didn't feel right about any of this.

Scott nibbled on some eggs and shook his head. "Not really..." He sighed. "Justin still won't release me to work so... Reese doesn't want me around the office much which leaves me with pretty close to nothing to do."

He shrugged before setting his fork down. He'd had a few bites at least. "I'll prolly just go home and sleep half the day... that's what I normally do," he admitted. "When I'm not at work I just... don't do much."


Joining Hope at the table, Scott sat down, willing to at least try eating. “Yeah… I really don’t want a repeat of that either.” He did give her a sheepish grin though. “But glad you enjoyed the first part.” His cheeks flushed as soon as he’d said it, and he stuffed a piece of toast in his mouth. “Kinda did myself,” he mumbled as his eyes fell to his plate. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually flirted with Hope. It felt… nice. Actually, he felt incredibly awkward but…maybe giving things a shot again would be…good.

Domino, having already had her own breakfast, trotted over and sat by Scott’s leg, looking up at him and cocking her head. He glanced down at her and rolled his eyes. “You already ate.” When she didn’t move, he gave in and let her have a little piece of bacon. “There. Tell Hope thank you.” She gave a little woof and wagged her stumpy tail before leaving, satisfied with her small morsel. 

Moving ahead slowly as he maneuvered on his crutches, Aaron couldn’t be more glad that Sam had let him come outside. It was probably the first day he’d felt anywhere near something that closely resembled feeling good. He scoffed a little at her comment though. “I think Rick and JT both just like making me cringe.” He hated therapy almost as much as he hated being stuck there at all.

Continuing down the long side of the parking lot, even though he was using crutches, just the motion and keeping his leg off the ground was somewhat painful, and certainly tiring. Eventually he had to pause and rest. Just leaning on his crutches for a moment, he sighed and let his eyes roam the area. He hadn’t remembered quite what things looked like, but it was somewhat familiar. How long had he even been here now?

As his gaze drifted to the street, then beyond, he suddenly caught sight of nothing more than a glint in an upper window of a building. Immediately his instincts kicked in and without even thinking, he turned with no warning, dropping both crutches to shove Sam to the ground. “Get down!” No sooner had the words left his mouth and a shot echoed through the air.

Hal, several feet away, had hit the ground as well, and now lay with gun drawn on the asphalt, his eyes wildly looking around for the shooter. “I don’t have a visual. Sam?” He tried to keep an eye on the surroundings, but also had to look to make sure she was okay. “Aaron!” he barked. “Let her go.”

Aaron had her half-covered on the ground, and though remaining low, he lifted his palms to prove his innocence. “Hey, whoa.” He looked over his shoulder across the street again, not daring to get up or even roll over yet. “Pardon me for trying to stay alive.”

Hal just glared at him, keeping his gun on the ready as he lay on his side, also not daring to get up yet. “Sam, you alright?”

Cookie Jar

As Scott came into the kitchen again Hope smiled. She looked good, then again he always did look good when he took care of himself. Putting a slice of bacon, toast and a few eggs on a plate before returning to the fridge and getting some OJ. Pouring them both a glass.

   "Sometimes it's good to not think. Often we think too much and it keeps us from really doing what we want too."

Smiling still Hope took the plates and cups to the table and motioned for Scott to sit down and join her. She'd actually had really liked the kiss yesterday. It had been a long time and she missed Scott. 

   "Don't be sorry. I wasn't upset about the kiss. I liked it. However, I didn't like you passing out afterward so let's not do that part again..ok?"

Just letting Aaron stand there Sam smiled watching him. He seemed to be really enjoying this and she was happy. He really had been through so much this moment was good and hopefully would help him move forward more.

   "We can walk around the parking lot for a little bit. Just take it easy on your knee, don't want to hurt it more."

Sam looked to Hal and gave a nod before falling into a slow step with Aaron just letting him take is time, go the way he'd like around the parking lot. It seemed he was really doing well with his knee. She was sure his extra work on it help as well even if it's not totally what the doctor would want.

   "You are really doing well on you knee. I think Rick would be pleased." 

Having Hunter grab her hand and pull her along Ryan didn't resist and just laughed. They were both soaking wet and muddy now but it didn't bother her at all. 

Taking the towel from Hunter Ryan's cheek turned a little red as she nodded her thanks for Cindy, Putting the towel over her head and drying her head a little bit she then put it over her shoulder before looking at Hunter again.

   "I feel like I just my hand caught in the cookie jar."


Scott wanted to argue, but all he could really do was just give Hope a small smile. Maybe...the time for arguing was past. "Okay..."

It took a few more moments to gain enough gumption to rise, but he did, and he took his time cleaning up and getting dressed. By the time he emerged from the bathroom, he could smell breakfast. His stomach growled. Eating something last night had helped and now his body wanted more, even if he really didn't feel like it. 

Domino had been well taken care of, and greeted him more happily than she had in ages, running circles and jumping up on his leg. He grinned and scratched her head, amused by her antics. Finally entering the kitchen he wandered over to the counter where Hope was making breakfast. 

"Um... Thank you..." He tucked his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor. His mind took him back to the day before and a little heat rose to his neck. He'd acted rashly when he'd kissed her like that. "I'm... I'm sorry about yesterday." He paused. "Not about coming here, but... in your office... I... I wasn't thinking."

Aaron couldn't help the look of surprise on his face. Sam really was sticking to her word? She really was going to let him outside? The soldier in him wanted to resist. The human in him couldn't. He finally nodded and got out of bed to take the crutches. "Thought you'd never ask."

Was that a joke? Hal arched one eyebrow and took up the rear as the three of them headed down the hall.

Hitting the outdoors, Aaron didn't even have to go far before he simply stopped, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There was a light breeze. There was sunshine. And it all felt so very good. After basking for a couple moments, he glanced to his side at Sam and a small smile curled his lips. "Thank you." Can we... walk around the parking lot or something? I won't try anything. Promise."

"Sorry," Hunter apologized sheepishly. "I couldn't resist." He couldn't help the smile nor the sparkle in his eye. "Your moment was too quiet." Laughing, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him the rest of the way to the house. 

Upon entering, he stopped short, almost running into Cindy... who was holding out two towels for them. Her smirk said it all. 

Hunter's face flushed as he took one towel and handed the other to Ryan. "Um..."

Cindy rolled her eyes. "I looked out there and saw two kids fooling around in the mud. Then I realized they were too big to be kids." A smile emerged though. "Wipe yourselves off then come have some hot chocolate with the rest of us."


Ryan put her hands up as more mud came her way and she let out a shreak before lowering her hands and placing them on her hips. Just looking at Hunter she shook her head.

   "I was enjoying a moment you know."

Spotting a puddle by Hunter Ryan took a leap with a laugh and splashed him back laughing just standing there next to him and smiling.

   "You know this would be a never ending competition right and then we wont get any hot chocolate."

Looking at Aaron Sam smiled and nodded picking up his crutches and hanging them to him. He'd told Aaron he would try and he was sticking to that. She hoped this would at least build a little trust with him.

   "Ready to go outside?"

Opening her eyes and looking down at Scott Hoped smiled. He had slept the rest of the night in peace and she was happy about that He needed the good sleep.

   "I know you didn't want too, but I also didn't wake you and brought Domino over so you wouldn't have to worry about her."

Shifting just a little and giving a strech her back was stiff but she didn't mind. She could be in worse pain than this.

   "I'm going to make some light breakfast for us. You can use the bathroom if you want to clean up, a fresh pare of your clothing is on the wash basket."


Scott stirred lightly, burrowing further under the soft blanket until he realized he wasn't in his own bed. Yawning, he rolled onto his back and blinked. He was still using Hope as a pillow. She couldn't have been comfortable in that position all night. 

Managing to sit up, he put a hand to his throbbing head then just leaned over to rest it on her shoulder. "I didn't mean to stay all night," he mumbled. 

Hal swiveled around to look at Sam and gave her a little smile. He felt better today. No headache. No anxiety. And he was impressed with Sam's progress with Aaron.

"Of course I'll come outside with you." It was a no-brainer. "It's hardly a favor. I'd come even if you didn't ask." He quirked an eyebrow. "Actually I'd insist, but that's beside the point."

It was the truth. And he was ready to lend aid in case Aaron tried anything stupid. It wasn't long before he was with Sam at Aaron's room, his gun holstered at his hip.

Inside, Aaron barely turned his head as the door opened. Although he was a bit perplexed. What was Hal doing with Sam? He propped himself up on an elbow and gave her a questioning look.

Being splashed with mud and water, Hunter slid to a stop and looked down at himself. "Aw man! You did not just so that."

Realizing Ryan wasn't going to race him, he stepped back into another puddle and stomped in it, sending a new spray of mud all over the place. 

Grinning, he spread out his arms and took a step backward, challenging her to take a turn.

January 27, 2017


Watching Hunter wave his arms around Ryan laughed again as she followed him. She'd be back for the rest of their stuff later. Getting to the open door and looking out Ryan just watched the rain for a long moment again. Her thoughts wondered why she had never just enjoyed things, simple moments like this before.

Having her thoughts come to a hult as Hunter dashed out into the rain Ryan shook her head and ran after him.  Seeing all the puddles Ryan couldn't miss the opportunity that was in front of her now. Taking a leap she jumped into one sending water and mud all over herself and Hunter. Laughing she jumped out of the puddle and just resumed a walk. She wanted to enjoy the moment, not race this time. Even though she was soaking wet and now muddy.

Getting into work like she always did Sam stopped by Kirk's desk first to letting him know what was going on today.

   "Hey Kirk, I just wanted you to know I am going to take Aaron out today for some fresh air. I'm going to have Hal come with me so if he trys to pull anything we will be ready. I just thought I should let you know first."

Once finished talking with him she went to the security room like always. After going over feeds with Ty Sam sat down and swiveled in the chair for a long moment. Stopping and looking at Hal she gave a smile.

   "I have a big favor to ask of you. I want to take Aaron outside today to just get some fresh air. But I want to be smart about it. So I wondered if you would come with me so if he trys anything I'll have some back up."

Little Faith

At Hope's invitation, Scott hesitated. This... right here... was him wide open and vulnerable. He'd wanted to avoid Hope experiencing his nightmares with him. He'd wanted to avoid putting her through the issues he had on a daily basis. And yet... he was so tired. Maybe... just maybe... it was finally time for him to give up trying to go it alone. 

It took him a couple quiet moments before he shifted around the other way and laid down so his head rested in her lap. He pulled the blanket up close and nestled into her, closing his eyes. Domino hopped up with him to curl up behind his legs and huffed a tired sigh. 

"Thank you," Scott mentioned softly. He didn't know how he'd feel tomorrow, but for tonight... he'd just let Hope be his shelter. And the rest of the night... he slept peacefully all the way through.

Aaron nodded slowly before turning his attention back to his water bottle. For some reason...he believed Sam that she'd see what she could do about tomorrow. At the moment, he had no intention of giving her a bad time, but he knew his word meant nothing at this point. He'd just have to wait and see if she actually got permission. 

He sat alone for a while longer. Just alone. Just quiet. Eventually though, he pulled himself up off the floor and grabbed his crutches to go back upstairs. He didn't bother anyone on his way, and simply returned to his room where he laid on his bed once more. He was quiet the rest of the day, too. Not angry. Simply... quiet. 

The next day wasn't much different. Although he had not left his room during the night. He hadn't wandered the halls, and his bedroom door had remained locked. He was awake though. Lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. His magazines and legos had gone untouched since the day before. And he remained quiet, with little faith in going outside. 

"Yeah, if we don't hurry up, the hot chocolate is gonna start screaming, and then people are gonna think they're going mad and pretty soon the entire ranch will be in a panic!" Hunter waved his arms wildly, accidentally scaring the kittens back into their hole in between hay bales. 

Grinning, he sashayed over to the ladder and disappeared, waiting for Ryan at the bottom. Once to the open barn door, he looked out at the rain. It wasn't coming down too hard at the moment, but there were puddles and mud everywhere. 

He looked to Ryan and gave her a sly look. "Last one to the house has to pour the chocolate." Without waiting, he took off at a run.


Standing and smiling Ryan brushed herself off before coming over to where Hunter was. Helping Hunter pick up the cards she played with the kittens a little more. Laughing and shaking her head Ryan stood again and folded the blanket. She'd get it later like Hunter had suggested. 

   "I think I hear that hot chocolate calling our name."

Smiling back at Scott she didn't want him to be sorry. She knew this was part of what he was going through and she knew he was embarrassed by it, but it didn't bother her as long as he was ok.

   "You were pretty peaceful for a little bit. That's why I didn't want you and brought Domino."

Shifting a little Hope leaned back on the couch and motioned for Scott to come close. She was awake now she might as well help if she can.

   "Come here...try to sleep some more. I'll sit with you."

Looking back to Aaron Sam thought for a moment. She really had been working on getting Aaron outside. Maybe tomorrow she could, was it smart? She'd have to get someone to come with her for safety reasons. Giving a soft smile she gave a tiny nod.

   "I'll see if I can get someone else tomorrow to come too so we can. I know it might not be ideal but its what I can do at the moment. Small steps are still steps."


As Ryan rolled to the side, Hunter closed his eyes for just a moment, silently letting out the breath he'd been holding. At her comment though, he opened his eyes again and reached over to give her shoulder a shove. "Stop it. You're embarrassing me." Though his cheeks flushed slightly, he did grin. 

Just lying silently for a few moments, he finally sighed and got back on his feet, brushing bits of hay off his clothes before giving Ryan a hand up as well. "Just for the record..." He reached out and plucked some hay from her hair. "The view's not half bad from my angle either." 

Smiling, he turned and wandered back to their original spot to pick up the lunch leftovers to make sure no trash got left up here. "You can leave the blanket up here if you wanna come back later. Nobody will care."

The three kittens were dismayed when he picked up several UNO cards they were playing with, and he chuckled, given them some loving. "What? You've got plenty to play with up here without these cards." 

Drawn out of his nightmare and back into reality, Scott finally stopped thrashing and opened his eyes, squinting in the dim light. He shuddered as he tried to wake up. "Hope?" He rubbed his blind eye that was hurting. "What..." Where was he? Why was she here? Oh yeah... he remembered now. 

Pulling himself up more into a sitting position, he sighed and wiped some sweat from his brow. "Welcome to my world," he mumbled groggily. He tried to give Hope a half smile. He hadn't meant to wake or scare her. "I'm okay... this is my norm every night."

A friend? Aaron looked up at Sam skeptically. She was joking right? Or just playing him? Surely. She was an agent. FBI and Elite combined. He hated those organizations, but he had to give their agents respect. Surely she wasn't soft enough to actually think they could be friends.

He dropped his gaze. He didn't like what he felt right now. He was getting desperate, and desperation bred mistakes, and mistakes bred consequences.

He was going to let her just walk away but then finally spoke. "Can I go outside tomorrow?"

Come Back

Letting her smile fade for a second Ryan thought about what Hunter said before squinting her eyes and then laughing again giving a nod. Getting off of Hunter she rolled to the side onto the hay next to him and just laid there looking up at the roof.

   "You're right, I don't like to lose, but the view really was nice too. Don't sell yourself short, you are a good looking guy."

Having finally drifted off to sleep Hope thought maybe she heard the whine of a dog but she wasn't sure. Hearing it again she tried to pull herself a little more out of the sleepy state. 


Hearing the whimper again and her bed move Hope sat up and saw the little dog at the door. That was odd. Why wasn't she with Scott still? Seeing she wanted her to follow Hope got out of bed and but her bathrobe on. Wandering into the living room Hope saw Scott on the couch tossing and turning and her heart sank. He had been sleeping so peacefully and now he was in another nightmare was her stuff.

Coming closer and easing down on the couch Hope reaches out to rest a hand on Scott shoulder and shake him just a little.

   "Scott...wake up...it's just a dream...come back to me Scott."

January 26, 2017


Hunter shouldn't have been surprised when Ryan took the upper hand. Before he could hardly react though, he was on his back staring up at her. Breathing heavily, he almost choked on his laugh. 

"Naw, it's got nothing to do with the view... you just don't like to lose." He lifted a knee to give her a slight bump. "Careful though... Stay here too long and you might get more than you bargained for." 

His eyes locked with hers. Was his pulse racing from running around the loft or from something else?

Never was there a happier dog. Once Domino realized the visitor was Hope, she was a wriggling ball of energy, scampering to and fro, and gathering her favorite toys. A car ride was even more exciting, and once they were at Hope's, she was thoroughly enjoying all the attention.

Getting inside, it only took a moment or two for her to discover Scott was here too. Having forgotten all his harsh words, she hopped up on the couch with him to curl up behind his legs. She huffed a sigh before looking up at Hope as if thanking her for bringing her to her master. Scott stirred just a little but was too far gone to wake up now. It wouldn't be until much later that he'd realize what Hope had done for him.

...It was nearing two in the morning. Everything was still and dark. Being shaken awake, Domino was quick to jump off the couch to avoid being smacked or squished as Scott writhed on the couch. She was used to his nightmares, but it never made her any less anxious. This time though, she had somewhere to go.

Trotting down the hall and following her nose, she finally came to Hope's bedroom door. Pushing it open, she peered inside before squeezing the rest of the way in and cautiously approaching the bed. She put her paws up on the mattress and gave a little whimper. Scampering back to the door, she waited, then returned to the bed and whined again, trying to rouse Hope without barking.

Out on the couch, Scott had thrown the blanket off and was still thrashing. Even though he was cold, sweat poured down the sides of his face as he tried to distinguish reality from his horrible dream.


As Hunter grabbed her like he had so many times before Ryan squealed again as they went trotting across the hay loft. If anyone else was in the barn they would think for sure a horse got loose up there. Holding on for dear light Ryan's laughed.

Letting go as Hunter dumped her Ryan brought her hands up to her face laughing but shielding her eyes from any loose hay as well. Being pinned down through Ryan's eyes just continued to dance as she smiled up at Hunter again. How has she never noticed how handsome he was, how his smile lit up his face and caused her eyes to smile as well.

   "I'll never say Uncle..."

Wrapping her arms and legs around Hunter Ryan shifted her weight so Hunter  sipped off her shoulder before she took the upper hand and twisted now having him on his back as she pinned him down her hands interlocked with his.

   "...I like the view to much."

Letting Scott get comfortable on the couch Hope took the dishes and pit them in the sink to soak before putting the rest of dinner away. Coming into the living room and seeing Scott resting there Hope took the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over Scott. He looked so comfortable, he even looked like he might be in a peaceful sleep.

Not wanting to wake him Hope was quiet to slip on her shoes and jacket grabbing her keys and Scott's. It didn't take long to get to his place as she unlocked the door. Seeing Domino Hope smiled as she bent down to let the little dog smell her hand.

   "Hey there girl. How about to come to my place mmm...your master is there finally resting. Come on lets go before he knows we are gone."


As Ryan came up behind him, Hunter automatically raised his hands to rest on her arms, and he had to smile at the picture. Whether he liked it or not... they did look good in that shot. Turning his head a little, his cheek almost brushed hers, and he felt the same little flutter he'd felt several times already. And the same guilt returned. But so did Mick's words. Trying to shake it off, he regained his grin. "I dunno...I've definitely seen better looking guys than that one there." 

Her mention of hot chocolate put his mind back on task and he nodded. "Good. Then to hot chocolate we shall go. But you..." He grabbed her arms tighter. "...are in a bad position, Missy." As he stood, he picked her up with him so she'd wrap her legs around him to ride his back. Laughing, he took off running across the hay loft, carrying her as he went. Aiming for a far stack of loose hay, he got close then stopped short, sliding across the smooth wood floor. Turning at the last second, he half threw, half dumped her onto the soft pile of hay. Continuing the spin around so he was facing her, he flopped down on top of her, pinning her shoulders with his forearms as he looked down at her playfully. "Say uncle and I'll let you up," he teased, breathless.

Scott lifted his head at Hope's offer. Even if he didn't want to put her out any more than he already had, he really was too exhausted to refuse. "I... think maybe I should rest just a little while," he finally agreed. His mind wandered to Domino. He knew she had plenty of food and water, and she could use the back doggy door if she needed to. "That way, I won't be stuck without a car tomorrow." 

Sighing, he got up from the table slowly, afraid to move too quickly lest his head spin or he lose his supper. After slipping off his shoes, he wandered to the couch and curled up in the corner, bringing his legs almost up to his chest. Even with his hoodie still on, he was cold, and he wasn't sure he could remember a time he'd felt this tired. 

Trying to keep his eyes open, his foggy gaze found Hope. "Don't let me sleep too long," he mumbled. "I gotta go home... to Domino..."

Good Looking

About to say something Ryan was taken completely by surprised as Hunter pushed her on her back and grabbed her phone. Having the picture taken she couldn't even react other than laughing. She only laughed harder. Getting only a glance of the picture as Hunter sat up quickly Ryan saw the color come to his cheeks. 

Grinning she turned on the phone and looked at the picture cocking her head at the smiling faces that looked back at her. She couldn't help a small flutter she felt in her stomach. She hadn't meant to feel anything but slowly the more time she was spending with Hunter...the more she wanted too. Could that be why Hunter had blushed? She didn't want to assume anything but she couldn't help the drawing feeling she felt to him.

Crawling across the hay Ryan came up behind Hunter and put her arms over his shoulders holding out the phone with the picture on it. Leaning her chin on his shoulder she let out a small sigh.

   "Now those are two good looking people."

Putting the phone down Ryan turned her head to look at Hunter and smiled for a moment. She didn't really know how to tell what the feels she had for Hunter were, and she wasn't sure if it was because of his kindness or not but she liked the warm feeling he gave her, She liked being around him, It was hard to shy away from that.

   "Hot chocolate sounds nice. I'm game...if you are."

   "Not everyone in this world will reject you Aaron. I dont...dispite everything..your not so bad."

Sam smiled before standing finally and dusting herself off. Her bottom was starting to go numb from sitting there. Though she stood she still listened to Aaron and hearing a little bit more about him helped her understand him just a bit more.

   "No friends sounds kind of boring to me. I guess if that's the way you want it, though. Just seems lonely to me. I'm always around if you decide you want a friend, though."

Just letting Scott take his time Hope didn't want to rush him. Trying to keep the conversation light she did most of the talking but she didn't mind. Hearing him apologize Hope looked at Scott and shook her head.

   "Don't be sorry. You eat at least half and that's good to start. Thank you for coming over tonight, it means a lot."

Just studying Scott for a long second Hope took note to how tired Scott looked. She really didn't want him to drive home when he was that tired.

   "Do you want me to drive you home or you could crash on the couch for a little while till you feel better."

No Friends

Hunter just grinned as Ryan snapped his picture, then scrunched his nose as he saw it. "Eh. I'm not so sure about the perfect part. Unless you crop me out and keep the kitty face. Now that's purrrfection." 

He laughed, then without warning, he set the kitten down and crawled over to Ryan, shoving her down on her back before lying next to her. Swiping her phone, he held it up and snapped a picture looking down on the both of them with their heads together on they hay bales. "There." He didn't move, but turned the phone so they could see the picture he'd just taken. Only now as he looked at their laughing faces caught in time did his cheeks flush...again. It was a much better picture than he'd anticipated. He'd just been meaning to be silly but... there was more to it, and he knew it. 

Tossing her phone back to her, he sat up abruptly and looked away at the other end of the loft. "I think... going to get some hot chocolate sounds good."

"No." Aaron's answer came quickly. "I never worried about them killing me." He shrugged. "I was good at my job. There was no reason to do away with me. So... why think about doing anything else?" 

He fiddled with his water bottle, visibly bothered by this whole thing. "They rescued me. Forced me to live up to my potential. Why would I want to go back to a world that would just reject me anyway?" He shook his head. "My mother could have cared less. My sister abandoned me. And after Brooke..." His voice trailed off and his bit his tongue. He hadn't meant to add that part. 

He physically sank into himself a little further. "She was seasoned Agency. I was a new recruit. Guess I figured sharing quarters meant we had something going, but I was just too stupid to see she was playing me. After that... all focus went to my training. I knew then why they said not to trust anybody. Not to get close to anybody. Because eventually... they'd just stab me in the back. No family. No friends. Just...doing what I did best." 

He didn't know why he just shared that. It was painful, and ridiculous that he'd open up, let alone to Sam. But at the moment... he felt vulnerable. Exposed. Weak. And tired. 

"I can't afford to let the Elite in," he finally concluded quietly. "It won't end any differently for me." 

"Um..." Scott looked at the bowl of broth then glanced up at Hope. "No. Yes." He sighed. "Misty said I should drink more water so I guess I better do as I'm told." Between that and the soup he might float away, but it was better than getting chided...again. 

A few minutes later, he slowly tried the broth, and nodded. "This is really good...thank you." In truth, he didn't want to be eating at all. It just...felt wrong. He knew it wasn't true - he needed to eat. It just wasn't a pleasant experience. One good thing though was it did taste good. A whole lot better than some of the things Justin had made him eat. 

One slow spoonful at a time, he tried so hard to eat like he was supposed to. He knew Hope had given him mostly just broth and he was grateful. The last thing he wanted was to get sick after she'd been so nice to invite him over. When half the bowl was gone though, he just couldn't take any more. 

Setting his elbows on the table, he rested his chin on his hands and stared at the bowl. "Sorry," he apologized quietly. "I think that's all I can manage." He finally looked across at Hope. "It did taste good though, and I appreciate it." At the moment though, he was so tired. Tilting his head, he rested his forehead on his hands instead and closed his eyes. "I should probably go before I fall asleep," he mumbled. 

Picture Perfect

Ryan couldn't help but laugh even more as the cat attacked his hand. Giving the kitten an encouraging push Ryan laughed more as it attacked once again. Seeing Hunter still throw down the draw card Ryan's eyes went wide and her mouth hung open just a little bit in disbelief. The humor danced in her eyes.

   "If he doesn't watch it Fuzzball no more cuddling for him."

Laughing again Ryan was about to draw her cards when they heard Mick's voice. Slapping a hand over her mouth she tried to high here giggles. Just listening to him hot coco did sound nice so maybe later they would have to warm up and enjoy that.

Watching Hunter as he came bac over Ryan gave a nod. Hearing his comment about not minding that they had to spend the day under cover Ryan's smile grew. It made her feel good he liked spending time with her.

   "I don't really mind either. I don't mind being on the go but sometimes slowing down is nice too. Specially when you have such good company to spend time with to keep your mind off the rough spots in life. Here hold still."

Pulling out her phone Ryan turned the cam on to take a picture of Hunter with the kitten. It was a good picture full of cutness. Holding the phone for him to look she smiled again.

   "Now that is a perfect picture."

   "That's a lot of maybe to hold on too."

Letting out a long sigh Sam shifted a little before letting her legs fall out in front of her. Just sighing for a second. Falling quiet she thought for a long moment finally looking to Aaron again.

   "Haven't you ever wondered what you could do outside the Agency? Not having to worry about them killing you whenever they wanted?"

Sam didn't know if her question made sense or not but she asked it anyway. She didn't know what she was trying to accomplish here maybe it was just a conversation. Maybe she wanted to make him feel better, all she really new though was she wanted to stay here and try at least.

 Wondering into the house Hope was happy Scott had come over. At least he could eat a good meal even if it was just a little. Not to mention she was still worried about him. 

   "Yes please, make yourself at home. I'll fix up a little of the food."

Getting two bowls Hope scooped one with just some broth for Scott and one for herself. She new he wouldn't each much and more than likely at the moment wouldn't be able to handle a lot that was added into it. So some broth and a little meat would be good. 

Putting the bowl down she smiled and sat down across from Scott. She hoped he would try a little at least.

   "Would you like anything to drink?"


Hunter swallowed a laugh at Ryan's comment about liking to cuddle and nodded. "So I noticed." His grin remained as he set aside his own food to make room for the card game. As the rain continued to come and the thunder rolled gently, the atmosphere stayed peaceful and fun. Even though it was a friendly UNO game, the competitiveness was strong, but there was enough laughter to balance it out.

"No... no... ah!" Hunter's hand was attacked by one of the kittens as he tried to put down a draw four card. "Whose side are you on anyway?"

The kitten clung to his hand, ears flat back and tail puffed up as he wrestled with this big monster. Hunter chuckled, and picked the fluffball up to hold him close while putting the card down with his other hand instead. "There. See? I can still make her draw four cards."


He straightened at the sound of Mick's voice from below. "Yeah?"

"You and Ryan still up there?"

"Uh-huh." Hunter got up and wandered closer to the ladder, still holding the kitten. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to let you know Jade fixed some hot chocolate so it's prolly gonna be in the kitchen all afternoon if you guys wanted to warm up at any point. I'm working in the office with Rosetta and Sparky but I know some folks are over there now just hanging out. It's not supposed to stop raining til later this evening."

"Okeedokee. We might wander down in a while. We're being entertained by a mob of kittens at the moment."

Mick chuckled. "Alright. Enjoy yourselves."

Hunter waited until he was gone before wandering back over to the hay bales and sitting back down. "Hot chocolate in the kitchen if we want it. Sounds like the day's pretty well shot as far as any outside activities." A new grin creased his lips as he looked at Ryan. "Not that I mind too awful much."

Aaron turned his head straight again to stare at the far wall. He understood what Sam was saying. He wasn't like Gage or even Garret who didn't know how the real world worked. He'd lived in it. He knew it was a dog-eat-dog world that required work to make it anywhere. His problem? He'd already made it where he'd wanted to be. And now he was back at the bottom. 

"Nothing's changed since high school." Maybe he didn't even realize he'd said it out loud. "Life sucked then. Sucks now. All those years in the Agency... all that work climbing that ladder..." He had a few choice words to say about that, sparing no profanity in front of Sam. When he was done though, all he could do was sigh. Cursing didn't even make him feel better today. 

"Surely there's still a change they'd take me back." It was ironic he was fishing for encouragement from Sam when it involved the subject of the Agency. But he was surrounded by closed doors and just needed one open one. "Maybe Garret's wrong. Maybe the intel was wrong. Maybe if I went back, they'd see how loyal I am." He knew he was kidding himself, but it was the one last thread of hope he had. 

Scott wasn't surprised by Hope's invitation, but he still fell silent anyway as his eyes studied a small tear in his jeans that he hadn't known was there. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been to her place. The last time they'd tried a meal together, she'd come to his house and it had been a disaster. What if he fell apart again? What if he got scared again? What if he pushed her away just like he had before and ruined it all over again? 

Fear surged through his gaze as he finally looked over at her again. He didn't feel hungry, but his mouth watered at the thought of her stew. He knew his body needed food, even if his brain wouldn't recognize it. And Hope's cooking was a safe bet - she was a good cook and it would taste good. 

He swallowed hard, then finally nodded. "Okay. I... I can't guarantee I won't... you know... freak out." He glanced down at his bandaged hand. "I... don't have a lot of control right now." But he'd be willing to try. This whole thing was one big mess, and everything else he'd tried had failed. Maybe... trying it this way wouldn't be so bad...

...Several hours later after Misty had agreed he was okay to leave, Scott followed Hope to her apartment. He still felt a bit woozy, but with Misty's help, at least he was out of danger for the moment...as long as ate. Getting out of his car, Scott sighed and tucked his hands in his hoodie pockets. He felt cold. Which wasn't unusual. He was cold most of the time anymore. Rick had told him it was because he was too thin. He was probably right. 

Scott slowly walked behind Hope until they were inside, and his gaze swept the rooms. He hardly even remembered what her apartment looked like. Had she changed things? He thought so, but he couldn't be sure. Walking to the kitchen, the scent of stew hit his nostrils. Even though it smelled good, he could feel his stomach churn a little and he leaned on the back of a chair. "I think... I'll sit." He really would prefer not to pass out again. 

January 25, 2017


Aaron took another swig of water, more to keep his hands busy than to quench his thirst. Thinking a moment, he shook his head slowly. "You keep talking about potential and having a life." His tone wasn't angry this time. Just... sad maybe. "But what potential? Being a desk jockey? What life? Winding up like Gage in a dingy apartment with nothing to show for his hard work?" 

He turned his head to rest it against the wall while looking at Sam. "I haven't forgotten Rick's diagnosis, ya know. Or JT's either. It doesn't look good for my leg, no matter how hard I work at it, and that's a fact. So tell me... where would I fit?"

Scott yawned and shook his head a little. "Sleep is... not productive," he mumbled. Try as he might though, he couldn't fight it, and soon had fallen asleep...

...It was an hour later when his eyes opened again. Waking to a flourish of data, he cringed. He needed to figure out how to control this upgrade so he could avoid such painful encounters. 

Licking his dry lips, he glanced to the side to see Hope still there as promised. "I know you have far more important things to do than sit here," he commented just a bit groggily. "I should go home so you can actually get some work done."

He looked at his arm and followed the IV tube up to the hanging bag that was almost empty. "Besides... looks like my tank is full."

As Hunter took another bite of sandwich, Ryan's comment made his eyes go wide. He could feel his cheeks turning warm again too, and he shook his head as a grin emerged. He kept his eyes on one of the kittens, rather than Ryan. "I am so not touching that one," he teased. 

He finally glanced up at her, the humor dancing in his eyes. Whether she'd realized the double meaning of what she'd said or not, he did find it amusing. "So... what kind of card game are we gonna play anyway? Unless you just want to sit and cuddle the cuteness all afternoon." He paused and bit his lip, trying to hide his smile, but it wasn't working. "The kittens, that is."

Get Enough

Just listing to Aaron Sam didn't say anything. Taking in everything he said she felt even worse for him. Once he was finished Sam just looked ahead staring at the wall across for them.

   "Do you really think death is the answer? We...I do care about you and what happens. That's why I'm always on your butt about things. I don't want you to die, I want your leg to get better, and I want you to have a life."

Silent again for a second Sam finally looked to Aaron and searched his face. She didn't know if he believed her and even if he didn't at least she was still speaking the words she felt so maybe, later on, he could remember them.

   "As hard as it might be we dont want you to go to jail Aaron. I...dont want you to either. You've got a lot of potential, you honestly do if you set your mind to it."

  "Maybe it is time to have the people who love and care about you help."

Feeling Scott's finger tighten a little around hers Hope smiled even though Scott's eyes were closed. Maybe they were getting there and Scott was coming around to letting them help. Maybe whatever Justin was doing was really working.

   "Sleep is ok, your body needs to heal still. I'll be right here if you wake again."

Watching Hunter feed one of the cats Ryan laughed as she continued to pet the one that was now curled up in her lap. The kittens purr vibrated on her leg it tickled but she didn't mind.

   "Honestly I like all animals. I've never had a cat before and Zidan is my first dog. I'm not to sure he'd like a cat coming in and taking over his space."

Ryan laughed as she took a bite of her sandwich. She'd never really thought about getting a cat before but maybe some day she could. They did make good cuddles more than a dog that likes to hog the bed. She wouldn't trade Zidan for anything, though.

   "I bet someone has been giving them love. They are to cute not too. That's how it is with cute things, you just can't get enough sometimes."

Water Bottel

Having finished her report Sam glanced up at the monitor. Just watching Aaron for a long moment she was quiet, just seeing what he would do. He didn't bother anyone, didn't make a break for it, he just went to the rec room. Typing a few keys she continued to watch as he tried to take out his frustration. 

Standing Sam grabbed her report and exited the office. Making her way over to Kirk and handed it to him. She'd done her best and hope it was satisfied the FBI for now. 

   "It's not my best report but its not my worse either. I'm just hoping, for now, it will be enough information."

Finishing with Kirk Sam made her way to the break room and grabbed a bottle of water before heading down to the rec room. Giving a tap Sam wondered in and handed the bottle to Aaron. 

   "Figured you might want this."

Sliding down on the ground next to him she brought her knees up but didn't say anything. She just sat there. She knew he might not like she was there but something told her to he didn't want to be alone. Now that she was done with her work she didn't mind just sitting there even if nothing was said.

Ryan's stomach growled at the mention of food. Sitting up and taking some she nodded her thanks to Hunter. Taking a chip and munching on it while she watched the rain Ryan looked at the mention of company and smiled.


Setting her food aside for a moment Ryan shifted a little and picked up the little tabby colored kitten. She was so soft and cuddly. Bring the kitty to her face she just nuzzled her nose into the soft fur as she laughed. Placing the little bundle in her lap she gently pet it before reaching to pet the other two as well so they didn't feel left out.  

   "They are so adorable."

Seeing Scott awake Hope smiled. She was happy to see him awake and relieved too. Taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze she moved a little close to the bed to sit down on the side. 

   "After you left my office you passed out. Misty is pretty sure it was because you haven't been eating or drinking. So she hooked you up to an IV to get fluids in you. How do you feel?"


Receiving Ryan's elbow, Hunter threw her a look and grinned. He was glad their little episode this morning hadn't changed anything. "Eh... Lumpy's got a few good ideas up his sleeve." He stood another moment or two before turning and sitting down on a little platform of hay bales and opening up the sack of food Becky had given him. "So... we've got some sandwiches and chips and some lemonade if you like." 

He got things out of the bag, and pulled his legs up to sit cross-legged. It was still close enough to the door to enjoy watching the weather, but far enough away they wouldn't get wet if the wind blew their direction. "Aw, and... we have company."

From between several nearby bales, three fuzzy kitten heads poked out to see what was going on. Their eyes were bright with curiosity and they all sniffed the air, most likely having caught a whiff of the sandwiches.

Justin stood back and watched Misty work, thankful for her quick thinking and skill. He still wished he would have insisted Scott eat something earlier. He should have known better. He'd been tired of fighting and had given up too soon. He knew this wasn't his fault, but it didn't feel good, regardless. Leaving the scene for now, he aimed for Aaron's room.

As the bedroom door opened, Aaron glanced up from his half-eaten hamburger. Seeing it was Justin, his face automatically gained a scowl. "Now what?"

Justin smirked a little. "No games, Aaron. I've had a bad enough day the way it is."

Aaron just rolled his eyes and took another bite of his food. "What do you want this time?"

"Nothing much." Justin shrugged and leaned against the doorway a moment. He'd passed Garret and Sapphire on his way in a little while ago, and knew what had been happening. "Just thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing."

Aaron quirked an eyebrow. "I'm... just as great as I was the other day. Did you expect something else?"

"Heard about the evidence Garret found."

Aaron's eyes darkened. "If that's what you're gonna talk about, then just leave. I have nothing to say."

"So you don't believe the evidence?"

"Look, the Agency respected me for who I was and what I could do." Aaron glared at him. "You can't make me believe they just wanted me dead."

"True." Justin nodded. "But belief doesn't change fact. I could go outside and shake my fist at the sky and yell at the top of my lungs that I don't believe wind exists. But my belief has nothing to do with it. The wind still blows. I could believe with all my heart that nothing can harm me. But if I step out into traffic, I'm still going to get hit and probably killed by a moving vehicle. Belief and truth are two different things." He paused a moment before turning and leaving. Aaron needed time to think. Today was not the time for a long session.

Left alone, Aaron stared at his hamburger for a few seconds before finishing it. He didn't feel good, but he didn't want it to go to waste since he might be getting a frozen dinner for supper. Justin's words stuck with him though. As hard as he fought, those words felt like a stab to his soul. He'd endured multiple kinds of torture through the years. He'd been brought to the point of screaming from pain. But even with all he'd gone through, nothing had ever been like the Elite's methods. Never had he been brought to the verge of tears like he was right now. The mere fact that he even felt like crying at all was a clear sign he was beginning to break, and he didn't like it one bit.

Setting aside his plate, he just sat quietly on his bed, but quickly grew restless. He tried to read but tossed the magazine aside. He tried to build with legos but soon set them aside in a heap. Eventually he got up and grabbed his crutches. Getting to the door though, he found it locked. Growling in frustration, he went back to his bed, lifting the corner of the mattress to reveal a stash of paperclips. Grabbing one, he returned to the door, and within two minutes the lock popped. Once free, he swung down the hall towards the stairs. Pausing just a moment, he maneuvered carefully down until he'd reached the lower level.

Reaching the rec room, he flipped on the light and just let his eyes scan the equipment before starting forward. He set his crutches aside and hobbled to the hanging punching bag. For a moment or two, he just felt it, trying to decide if he really wanted to use it or not. Once he took a swing at it though, his instincts kicked in, and he couldn't just leave it at one punch. Settling into a rhythm of punching combinations, he hit the bag hard, taking his frustrations out on it. Every time he went to shift his balance though, he was painfully caught by his knee, forcing him to remain in one spot.

He was stuck in more ways than one. Stuck physically by his injury. Stuck mentally with dwindling hope. Stuck literally here in this building. And all he wanted was out.

As soon as the first tear surfaced, everything came to a halt. He wouldn't do this. He swiped it away angrily and hobbled to the wall where he turned and just slid down to sit on the floor. He couldn't even work out as much as he wanted to, and that just made it all that much worse. He was angry. He was alone. He was scared. And he was hurt.

Upstairs, the monitors had caught his movements from the bedroom to the hall to the rec room.

In the infirmary, it didn't take long for Scott's eyes to flutter open. He looked around groggily for a moment before turning his head to see Hope. He tried to sit up, but his head hurt too much, and he sank back down in the pillows. 

"What happened?" he asked sleepily. The last thing he remembered was leaving Hope's office. 

Peaceful Moments

Hearing Hunter's whistle and looking to find him Ryan smiled as he disappeared into the loft. Glancing around trying to find a way up she spotted the ladder. Hoping that was the right one she wondered over to it and climbed. Peeking her head into the loft and seeing Hunter she was happy at least he went up the right one. 

Wondering over to where he was Ryan set the blanket, his jacket, and the cards down before looking out the open door. This was an even better view of the weather.

   "Now this...was an even better idea. Another peaceful moment. I think today is going to be an ok day after all."

Leaning back against the hay pile Ryan elbowed him lightly before laughing and then looking out the window again.  All in all, at least she had good company on a gloomy day.

Looking at Aaron again and leaning her head to the side she just watched him for a long moment. He said one thing but his eyes betrayed him as they showed how much pain he really was in. Emotionally like Garret had said he was hurting, and Sam did feel bad.

   "Ok, but the offer is still there all you have to do is ask. I'll be back in a bit unless you need me before then."

Turning and leaning the room Sam shut the door behind her. Leaning against the wall she just closed her eyes collecting her thoughts and her emotions. It was hard seeing someone hurting, knowing they are hurting and not being able to do anything about it. Sometimes just letting someone be was the best thing but it was hard. If Aaron wanted her to stay, wanted her to interact he was going to have to ask. 

Getting back to the security room and sitting down Sam continued to work on her baby before turning one of the monitors so she could see it a little better and what Aaron was doing. She'd be back in an hour or so to take his dishes and she had some cards to see if he'd like to play too. At least it would give him something to do so he wasn't bored.

About to say something Hope stopped at Scott's lips pressed to hers. She had been taken completely surprised by this but didn't pull away. Hope returned the affection as her heart raced like the first day they had ever shared a moment together. 

As he pulled away Hope just watched him as he left. Her thoughts and the moment were shattered as Scott collapsed. She was happy Justin was nearby to help. Following them to the infirmary she could help the worry on her face.

Looking up from her desk as the group came in Misty stood quickly motioning to the extra bed. Doing a look over on Scott she hearing what Justin had said She went to work setting up an IV.

   "I'm thinking due to lack of food and water, his system is still trying to recover so it's using up more than its being given. I'm going to start him on an IV to get some electrolytes in him. I'l also run some blood tests to see if anything else is going on too."

It felt odd to Misty doing this with Scott. Rick was always the one that took care of him so it just felt a little off she was now. But she would do all she could to help as much as she could.

In no time she had the IV hooked up and his blood drawn. Making sure he was resting comfortably she gave a small nod to Hope and Justin.

   "For now thats all I can do. We'll see what his blood work says, and after he gets some fluids in him see if that helps. Best thing now is to let him rest."