November 6, 2016


Joined by Bree, Gunner's eyes opened, but he didn't move. Remaining still, he was silent, his gaze hollow and oh so far away. Until she spoke. 

Blinking, he turned to see her next to him, and like a fog being lifted, he suddenly realized just where he was and that she really was here next to him. Phone calls? Why had they been so worried?

He leaned his head to rest against hers. "I lost my job," he admitted softly. "They just...let me go. Reese, he...just didn't even fight for me. that."

Another quiet couple seconds followed, and the fog lifted even more. Only now did he see the nearby cars. JT's and Con's both. He straightened and looked down at himself and where he still sat on the grass since last night. "I... I did it again, didn't I?" He reached over to take Bree's hand. His own was so cold from being out here all night. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to."

Garret stiffened as Maggie hugged him, just because he hadn't been prepared for more than a verbal thanks. He didn't have to respond though, as she walked away, and he sighed. 

Exiting into the hall, he paused for a moment, looking into the living room. Laura and Nate were on the couch so close it was obvious they'd been nestled comfortably together. Maggie had joined them and had flopped in next to Nate, excitedly showing off her successful homework. Nate was smiling and complimenting her. Laura laughed at something, making them all laugh for a moment. 

The picture made Garret hesitate as something inside him broke a little more. That was a picture of family. That's what had been stolen from him...ripped from his grasp before he even knew what he would be lacking. It hurt, now starting to realize just what he'd missed out on. They were all so happy. Was it too late for him to know that kind of joy?

Turning from the little scene, he wandered back down to the bedroom where he quietly closed the door for the night. 

"Yeah, I gave it to him." Kirk shrugged. "Don't know if he used it or not though. Gave it to Nate first to give to him, but he talked to Reese and Reese was against a particular idea so he gave it back to me, then later in the day, Jason was all hot and bothered and left in a huff, and that's when I gave it to him directly and I don't know what happened after that."

He took a swig from his pop before helping himself to some broccoli. "They definitely have issues over there. I mean, I'm still on board with helping them, but man. It's like they're all so passionate that they can't not be emotional about everything, good or bad. Which is great on one hand and dangerous on the other. I can see why they're all so good at what they do, but then I'm not surprised about the times they've gotten hurt too, thinking with their hearts instead of their heads. I mean, it's no wonder the board had been concerned. And it's even better than it used to be. When the Elite was just an organization underground, they got into quite a few scrapes because they didn't stop to plan things out."

Taking a breath, Kirk realized he'd started to ramble again, and stuffed another bite of chicken in his mouth. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Just...lots." He was learning so much about the Elite, his head almost hurt. 

"Oh..!" He finished chewing before going on. "Your first assignment." He grinned. "I need help deciding who else is a good pick to go with us. I can take two agents, remember? And actually, what the board would really like - it's not required, but keeping them happy at this point would be a good thing - is having an FBI agent be the handler of that second prisoner the Elite's had. That Aaron fellow who got his knee shot out. Reese wants to reform him, but he's quite the hothead. I can't take him on with everything else I have to do, and I know that's not your thing. So maybe whoever goes with us can tackle that. What do you think?"