November 12, 2016


Looking up and seeing Garret Nate smiled. It was good to see him coming out of the room more. Garret was healing he thought, even if it was slow it was better than nothing. Hearing Maggie has asked him Nate couldn't help but chuckle a little. The most dancing he had done was with a broom and Maggie had cought him. So it didn't surprise him she would ask someone else.

   "Well I guess you should tell the poor girl your answer since she asked. I'm no good at dancing and she knows that. I think she kinds just wants someone else there with her too and not always me."

Just studying Garret for a long moment Nate wondered if there was more behind what Garret was asking. Was he worried for one reason or another, it was interesting and in a way he felt bad for Garret too.

   "Was there a reason you would say no? Or...just really not your thing anymore?"

About to say something when Nancy came by. Hearing what happened Adison just looked at her. She didn't think this was funny at all. She new Mark and she could guess Jamison didn't just trip. Hearing Krik's comment Adison looking at him and if looks could kill he might very well be dead.

   "How would you like it if that was me or you and people laughed?"

Standing Adison was done talking now. Making her way to the hall Adsion's heart sank seeing the mess. Catching sigh of Mark laughing Adison stopped where Jamison was and turned to Mark.

   "You think this is funny? I'm sure this wasn't just an innocent trip. Pull that crap again where someone could potentional get hurt and I'll make sure you the next one laying on the ground."

Turning back to Jamison and bending down Adison started to help him pick up some papers. Handing the files to him and going for some more stuff she looked up at him and gave a soft smile.

   "Are you ok? Also how did you have these organised so I can help."