November 10, 2016


Returning back to the house after not finding anything Bree's eyes were blood shot and and her head felt so heavy. Getting inside Bree just sunk down on the couch. They had to find Gunner, they just had to. He couldn't leave like this, because he though it was best for her. 

   "I'm not hungry right now. You get some rest. I'm going to go over all the places we have looked for Gunner, and all the places we still need to look. I'll eat later."

Grabbing a notebook that was on the the table and a pen Bree started to scribble down a bunch of stuff. She wasn't going to rest till they found Gunner, she couldn't....they had to find him.

Hearing the shot ring through the air Katie moved quickly to get around to Jason's side and do what she could so another shot could't hit him if it was fired. 

Kirk coming up to them too let Katie focus on Jason a little more making sure he was ok. Leaning over him she tried to give him room to breath, but make sure he was ok. Her on hand on his chest, and her other on his arm. Even if he did have a bullet proof shirt on it was still scary.

   "Deep breaths J...stay with me ok. I'm here."

Standing from where he was Nate come over to Katie and Jason to make sure they were ok. Seeing Kirk was there too he would leave them be for now as he looks around the park. Heading in the direction of the shooter he would pull up from behind in case he back tracked. 

Turning quickly with Pete Jamie moved quickly with him. It had been a long time since she had been in action like this but she sure had missed it now that she was doing it again. Keeping up she weaved between people as they moved fast. Her own gun draw and held close to her.

   "Oh course he'd go up, easiest way to lost someone. To bad he doesn't know about us."

Getting up on the other side of the wall across from Pete Jamie gave a nod. They had the upper hand, the sniper had walked right into there trap and she couldn't help but feel proud of that, it felt good to out smart the Agency thanks to Garret.

   "I'm ready when you are. One...two..."