November 4, 2016

Nothing new

Kirk shrugged and gave Ron a crooked grin. "I guess so. Be careful though, okay?" His eyes showed his seriousness. "Once the Agency has tagged you for any reason, you're at risk. So your back. And if anyone does contact you about Garret, let me or Reese know right away. The guy's been with the Agency almost all his life and is just trying to start new, but unfortunately it's just never that easy." 

He glanced towards Reese's office, but decided not to go talk to him again just yet. There was a lot going on right now, and he didn't want to add fuel to the fire. He looked back to Ron again and squinted at his forehead where bruising was starting around the wound. "You feeling well enough to get yourself back to the hotel? I can always drive you there and have Adison come pick me up. Wouldn't want you driving in a ditch after you survived this day already."

The small group had aimed for the meeting room to wait for Nate, but Jason had seen them walk by his office and had stopped them. Now several more hand joined in and were standing in the hallway. 

Pete shook his head at Jason's question. "Not a dang thing. I can't believe how many people we've talked to that haven't seen anything. It's like he's a ghost." 

Jason sighed and glanced over to Katie. "I'm not spending another night here."

"Try telling that to Reese," Gunner commented dryly. "He'd put you under glass if he thought it would keep your safe."

"Yeah well..." Jason shook his head. "Not gonna happen." His shoulder was killing him today, but he didn't care. He was not going to hide out here like a coward. 

Seeing Nate coming, Wyatt nodded to him. "Hey. Nothing new to report, sorry."

With Maggie joining him in the living room, Garret couldn't help just a little smile. She really was something else. He remained silent though, just staying focused on his work - both paperwork and keeping his senses alert.

It wasn't too much later that there was a loud crash in the kitchen, followed by a wail. Garret was on his feet in an instant, and just as fast was in the next room where Laura looked at him with apology. "Sorry, sorry. I just reached for a pan and..." She looked down at the floor where a stack of pots and pans now were strewn about.

"You're bleeding."

She looked quickly to her arm where apparently one of the pans hat cut her pretty good. "Oh, darn it all." She huffed a sigh. "That's what I get for hurrying." She went to the sink to clean it off, but Garret rolled his eyes.

Poking his head back out to the living room, he nodded to Maggie. "Get in here and help pick up these dishes." Then he looked to Laura. "Come on. If you try to bandage that with your one hand, I'll never be able to watch." He'd learned where the first aid supplies were in the bathroom, and quickly found some antiseptic and a couple small bandages that would cover the fresh cut. He didn't say a word as he worked, simply determined not to have Laura injured on his watch.

Laura didn't know what else to do, other than just let him work, which...he was very good at. She couldn't help but wonder how many wounds he'd bandaged up in his lifetime... his own wounds or those of others. Maybe she didn't want to know. Once finished, she smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Garret."

He just shrugged and went back to the kitchen to check on Maggie, then to help put the pans back up in the cupboard where they belonged.