November 9, 2016


Garret wandered back to the living room with the cordless phone to hang it up, and just stood there for a moment. That same twinge of fear had returned, and he didn't like it. He didn't like feeling afraid of the Agency - that's why he'd left. So he wouldn't have to be afraid of them. It was maddening to realize just what a hold they'd had on him...virtually all his life. 

"Are they going to go with your plan?"

He looked up quickly as Laura came into the room. "I think so. At least Nate wanted my input. Sounds like Reese finally said he could use the plan."

"Good." Laura nodded as she checked her purse, then shouldered it, ready to leave the house. "I hope it works, for Jason's sake. He's been through so much already." 

Garret's brow furrowed as he considered all he knew about Jason. Yes, the Agency had tagged him from day one. Why did some people have that fate, while others didn't? "Why do you care so much about what happens to Jason?"

"Because he's my friend."

It was such a simple answer, and yet Garret still struggled to understand the concept. 

Laura gave him a small smile as she noticed the look of confusion in his eye. He'd get it...eventually. "I'm going to go run some errands. If you need anything, my cell number is by the phone." 

Garret quirked an eyebrow. "You're leaving me here alone?" 

"Yep." Laura winked at him. "It's not the first time. You just didn't notice." 

As the front door was closed after her, Garret stood quietly for a moment. His days spent here had kind of all melted together in his mind. There were a lot of blank spots that he couldn't quite recall. He still felt like he was walking through a thick fog, was better than it had been. Maybe he really had been left to himself before without even realizing it. And he still didn't understand why they trusted him. 

With a sigh, he wandered back down the hallway. This time though, he paused next to the office, and peered in at the computer on the desk. He waited for what seemed forever, before finally entering and sitting down in the chair...

In the meeting room, everyone either sat or stood, listening intently to Nate. Jason was nervous. Very nervous. He didn't want to get shot again, whether it would be fatal or not. But if this could end all the drama, he wanted to do it. Sitting next to Katie, he reached under the table to take her hand. Maybe he needed the reassurance more than she did. 

Discussion went on, and a city map was brought out to mark off locations of where everyone should be. Jason decided he'd leave for lunch like normal, and go to Tou Han's as was one of his usual spots. If nothing happened on the way there, he and Katie would take their food to the park and eat it there. It was such an open, easy area that surely the sniper wouldn't be able to resist it. Meanwhile, everyone else would be stationed nearby at different points, but far enough away that hopefully no one would notice. 

Con joined the group as well, in the middle of a conversation, and slipped an arm around Jamie's shoulders. He'd be here...for his friend. He knew they were one man down anyway, and wanted to help. For the first time in a long time...he wanted to be here.

Wyatt and Pete decided they would both take off separately before lunchtime, each following other cases, but would end up stationed where they were supposed to be for later. That way if anyone was watching, not everybody would be leaving the Elite building at once, making their plan too obvious.

Somewhere in the middle of it all, there was a knock on the door, and Kirk walked in. The talk immediately stopped as everyone looked at him with leery question. He quickly surmised this was about Jason - maybe they were finally going ahead with the plan Nate had wanted to? His eyes found Nate as the tension in the room rose. But he didn't leave. They might not know yet he'd be working with them permanently from now on, but he wasn't going to walk away just yet. "I want to help... What can I do?"

Jamison looked quickly to Adison's hand on his shoulder, then to her face, surprised at the gesture. Her words softened his expression, and he gave her a little nod. "Thanks. It's...nice to be appreciated for once." 

He stayed with her to wrap up things with Klarksen and proceed with the arrest, this time following through instead of going to hibernate away from skeptical eyes. Once it was all over, it was just a little hard to go back to his desk. Today had been different. He got to go out on cases every once in a while, but not often, and if he did, he was put in the backseat - today, Adison had actually let him be a team player felt good. 

Early morning. Gunner rose as quietly and gently as he could, making sure Bree remained asleep on the couch, tucked under the blanket. He knew she didn't have to be up for another couple hours at least, and he was not going to wake her. Not for this.

When she would finally wake, and rise, he would be gone. If she would look for him at his apartment, he would not be there - but his cell phone would be sitting on the table, abandoned. The only sign of his intent would be in the form of a handwritten note, left for her at JT's, next to the vase of flowers he'd given her the night before...

My dearest Bree,
I love you to the moon and back, and even more. You have been my friend, my life, my love. There's not a moment I spent with you that I regret, and if I could do it all over again, I would. From our rootbeer floats, to scaring nurses, to stargazing. I still remember the nights you came to rescue me from my nightmares, giving me your love before I even really knew you. Your hand print will be forever in the stars. The Palm of Bree will always be seen, whenever I look upon the night sky, and I'll know you're there, the true owner of my heart.
I'm sorry I could never be the man you need. I'm sorry I have failed so many times before. I have failed you. I have failed us. But no more. No more sleepless nights wondering where I am. No more hours spent worrying about me. No more waiting on a future that I'm incapable of providing.
I never meant to hurt you. This is the hardest decision of my life, but I do it because I love you and I can't hurt you any more. Chase your dreams, and find the one who can help make those dreams come true. You deserve so much more than I could ever give.
With all my heart,
Your Vampire